适应新形势 创造新业绩——纪念建军72周年

来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiwei1058
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在世纪之交的历史关头,我们喜庆建军72周年,更具有值得纪念的特殊意义。当前,我军建设正值承前启后、继往开来的重要时期,我们纪念这个光辉的日子,不仅要缅怀我军的丰功伟绩,大力发扬我军的优良传统,更为重要的是,应赋予传统以新的内容,弘扬时代精神,勇于开拓进取,使部队建设以崭新的面貌跨入二十一世纪。 在新的历史条件下,部队建设面临着新的严峻的挑战和考验。军委江泽民主席提出:“对于新时期军队建设,有两个重要问题是我始终加以关注的:一个是在复杂的国际环境中,我军能不能跟上世界军事发展的趋势,打赢未来可能发生的高技术战争;一个是在社会主义市场经济和对外开放条件下,我军能不能保持人民军队的性质、本色和作风,始终成为党绝对领导下的人民军队。”回答和解决这“两个最重要的问题”,是新时期军队建设和改革的重大战略课题,这光荣而艰巨的任务历史地落到了我们这一代人肩上,迫切要求我们树立强 At the historic juncture of the turn of the century, we are celebrating the 72th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and are even more memorable for its special significance. At present, our military building is an important period for carrying forward the past and continuing for the future. Let us commemorate this glorious day not only to cherish the memory of the great achievements of our army but also to vigorously carry forward the fine tradition of our armed forces. More importantly, we should give tradition a new content , Carry forward the spirit of the times and be brave enough to forge ahead so that military construction will enter the 21st century with a brand new look. Under the new historical conditions, army building faces new and severe challenges and tests. CMC Chairman Jiang Zemin pointed out: “For the army building in the new era, there are two important issues that I have always paid close attention to: one is whether our military can keep up with the trend of military development in the world in a complex international environment and win the future High-tech war; one is that under the conditions of a socialist market economy and opening to the outside world, our army can maintain the nature, character and style of the people’s army and always become the people’s army under the leadership of the party. ”Answering and resolving these two“ The most important issue ”is a major strategic issue for army building and reform in the new era. This glorious and arduous task has historically landed on our generation and urged us to establish a strong
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