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1 中建安装城市更新改造业务领域的实践rn鉴于当前国家对于老旧小区改造的政策及市场环境,中建安装积极部署,对老旧小区改造进行积极的探索与市场开发.中建安装对于老旧小区改造版块提出:要贯彻落实好习近平总书记提出的“人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标”的要求和李克强总理在考察雁塔区明德门北区时提出的“改造后不光要好看,关键要好住”的工作目标,高质高效实施好这一解民忧、惠民生的重点工程,在小市场中展现大作为,抢抓转型新机遇,拓展市场新领域.
Based on the Hugenholtz-Van Hove theorem,six basic quantities of the EoS in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter are expressed in terms of the nucleon kinetic energy t(k),the isospin symmetric and asymmetric parts of the single-nucleon potentials U0(ρ,k)and
The photoelectric device of a scintillation dosimeter converts photons produced by radiation into an electrical signal.Its features directly determine the overall performance of the dosimeter.For a plastic scintillation fiber dosimeter(PSFD)with a current
A detailed investigation of different decay modes,namely alpha decay,beta decay,cluster decay,including heavy particle emission(Zc>28),and sponta-neous fission,was carried out,leading to the identification of new cluster and beta-plus emitters in superhea
A global variance reduction(GVR)method based on the SPN method is proposed.First,the global multi-group cross-sections are obtained by Monte Carlo(MC)global homogenization.Then,the SP3 equation is solved to obtain the global flux distribution.Finally,the
Grain boundaries(GBs)have critical influences on the stability and properties of various materials.In this study,first-principles calculations were performed to determine the effects of four metallic impurities(Ni,Al,Bi,and Pb)and three nonmetallic impuri
The utilization of neutrons markedly affects the medical isotope yield of a subcritical system driven by an external D-T neutron source.The general methods to improve the utilization of neutrons include moderating,multiplying,and reflecting neutrons,which
Owing to the inherent instability of the natural circulation system,flow instability can easily occur during the operation of a natural circulation lead-cooled fast reactor,especially during the startup phase.A compre-hensive startup scheme for SNCLFR-100
A gas-cooled nuclear reactor combined with a Brayton cycle shows promise as a technology for high-power space nuclear power systems.Generally,a helium-xenon gas mixture with a molecular weight of 14.5-40.0 g/mol is adopted as the working fluid to reduce t