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在上个世纪90年代以前,我国别墅中的住客还都是外国人,即外资驻华机构的高管或各国驻华使馆的政要们。那时的别墅并没有内销市场,对于几乎所有的国内人士来说,别墅都只是外国人居住的高档住房,永远也不可能成为自己的家。直到90年代中期,先富起来的一批中国人才开始购买别墅,不过房主们大都将其作为一种长线投资方式,在开发商“售后包租”的承诺下赚取房屋租金,很少有人舍得搬进去住。直到2002年以后,我国别墅才真正步入“自住时代”。什么是“别墅”?《现代汉语词典》的解释为“在郊区或风景区建造的供休养用的园林住宅”。但国土资源部2006年中期作出的新定义,将建造在城市内外“独门独院、两至三层楼形式”的住宅都统称为别墅。这就意味着如今的别墅仍旧不是寻常市民的家,而是先富起来的 Before the 90s of last century, the residents in our villas were all foreigners, that is, the executives of foreign-funded agencies in China or the dignitaries of all embassies in China. At that time, the villa did not have a domestic market. For almost all domestic people, the villas are only high-end residences for foreigners and will never be able to become their own home. Until the mid-1990s, a group of Chinese first-richer people started to buy villas, but most homeowners use it as a long-term investment method to earn rental income under the developer’s promise of “after-sale charter.” Some people are willing to move in to live. Until 2002, our country villa really entered the “self-occupation era.” What is “Villa”? The interpretation of “Modern Chinese Dictionary” is “garden home for recuperation built in the suburbs or scenic areas.” However, the new definition made by the Ministry of Land and Resources in mid-2006 will be collectively referred to as the “villas” which are built within and outside the city and are “detached houses of two to three floors”. This means that today’s villa is still not unusual citizen’s home, but the first to get rich
时值冬春季节,城乡红白喜事不断,其中免不了要请老人家赴宴。作为老年人,赴宴之前要有以下生活及心理上的准备。 Spring and winter time, urban and rural red and white
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