初步的尝试 有益的成果——评蔡自兴编著《智能控制》教材

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中南工业大学自动控制工程系蔡自兴教授编著的全国高校统编教材《智能控制》在1990年7月由电子工业出版社出版发行了,这是我国首部公开出版的智能控制教材和专著。 智能控制是一门新兴的交叉学科,又是自动控制发展的新阶段和新层次,智能控制与人工智能、控制论、信息论、认知心理学、神经网络理论、模式识别、机器人学、仿生学、语言学和计算机科学等学科有着十分密切的关系,是在这些相关学科发展的基础上并相互结合而逐渐形成的。因此,要处理好智能控制“母 Central South University, Department of Automatic Control Engineering, Professor Cai Zixing edited by the national institutions of higher learning textbook “intelligent control” in July 1990 published by the Publishing House of Electronics Industry, which is China’s first publicly published intelligent control textbooks and monographs. Intelligent control is a new interdisciplinary and new stage and new level of automatic control development. Intelligent control and artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information theory, cognitive psychology, neural network theory, pattern recognition, robotics, bionics , Linguistics and computer science and other disciplines have a very close relationship is based on the development of these related disciplines and the combination of gradually formed. Therefore, to handle intelligent control "mother
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