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档案提供利用是档案工作者环节中最富有活力的一个环节。它是档案部门与利用者相互联系、相互了解的纽带和窗口,是服务于社会的直接体现。要搞好档案的利用工作,除了档案工作人员的努力外,在很大程度上取决于利用者。因此,分析和掌握档案利用者的心理状态,是做好档案利用工作的需要。档案利用者因时、因事、因人而产生极其复杂的心理状态,表现出来的情感、意志和心理特征有以下几种:1、职务需求心理:档案利用者的档案意识不断增强,对档案和档案工作充分信任,产生需求意向和需求行为。如:上级检查某单位或某部门工作时,首先调阅历年或近期的档案,向上级汇报综合分析,使之掌握较为属实的基本概况;又如,专家、教授和学科带头人以 The use of archives is one of the most dynamic aspects of archivists. It is the link and window between the file department and the user who are interrelated and mutual understanding, which is the direct manifestation of serving the society. To do a good job of file utilization, in addition to the efforts of the file staff, depends largely on the user. Therefore, analyzing and mastering the mental state of file users is the need to do a good job of file utilization. The users of the archives have extremely complicated mental state due to the time, the accident and the occurrence of the person. The emotion, the will and the psychology characteristic shown by the archives are as follows: 1. The job demand psychology: The archives users have a growing awareness of the archives Full trust in the archives work, resulting in demand and demand behavior. Such as: superior inspection of a unit or a department of work, first read the calendar or recent files, to report to the superior comprehensive analysis, so that they have a more basic overview of the real; another example, experts, professors and academic leaders to
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