让扶贫帮困与基层民兵工作同步发展 ——江苏省海门市人武部扶贫帮困工作纪实

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江苏省海门市人武部在扶贫帮困中, 谋求扶贫帮困与促进民兵工作双向互动, 既达到了扶贫帮困的目的,又促进了基层 武装工作的落实,为农村和谐社会建设作 出了贡献。他们的做法受到了江苏省军区 领导的肯定。11月10日,该部被省军区表 彰为“双带双扶”先进单位。 2003年4月份,海门市人武部与三 和镇大兴村结为扶贫帮困对子,人武部 部长朱德福和政委华桂林第一次来到大 兴村,看到村部租用农户的两间平房作 为办公室,村级组织的牌子放在平房的 走廊上,连个像样的办公环境都不具备 时,人武部为解决他们的困难,拿出2万 元,到年底建成了一个新村部,还协调 市、镇相关部门帮助铺了一条村级中心 砂石路,建了一座群众盼望多年的桥。 The Haimen Municipal Armed Forces Department of Jiangsu Province, in seeking help for the poor and helping the poor, sought two-way interaction in helping the poor and helping the poor and promoting the militia work. This not only achieved the purpose of helping the poor and helping the poor, but also promoted the implementation of grass-roots armed work and made contributions to the construction of a harmonious rural society. Their approach has been affirmed by the leadership of the military region of Jiangsu Province. On November 10, the ministry was commended by the provincial military region as “advanced unit with double support and double support”. In April 2003, the Haimen Municipal Armed Forces Department and Daxing Village, Sanhe Town, became the patriots for helping the poor and helping the poor. Zhu Defu, the Minister of People’s Armed Forces, and Hua Guilin, the political commissar, first came to Daxing Village and saw two bungalows rented by the village department As an office, the village-level organization’s brand is placed on the corridor of the bungalow. Even when a decent office environment is not available, the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces has taken out 20,000 yuan to complete a new village department by the end of the year and also coordinated The relevant departments of the municipality and the town helped spread a gravel road at the village center and built a bridge for the masses to hope for years.
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