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杨门女将巾帼不让须眉,奋战辽兵的英勇事迹千百年来一直广为世人传颂,也曾被多次搬上戏剧舞台和大小银幕。眼下,由香港著名导演李国立投资2000万人民币,荟萃香港、台湾、大陆和新加坡四地演员共同拍摄的大型武侠巨片《杨门女将》再次将这些妇孺皆知的扬眉女子的英勇事迹再现荧屏。与以前香港“无线”台和“亚视”台拍摄的同名剧集不同的是.这部《杨门女将》主要关注的是14位女英豪从10多岁到30多岁这一段的戏,年龄层次上较以往年轻化,而且杨家四代人物重点写两代人:抛去第一代的佘太君和第四代的杨文广,该剧前半部重点描写了杨八妹和杨排风两个人物,而后半部则以穆桂英为主,在女人戏的基础上,前后加入杨安、杨宗保、杨六郎、杨四郎等几位男人配角戏,非常清新有致。主题是写女人如何在恶劣的环境下自强.并没有女人戏中一贯的阴暗面,战争是包装,感情为出发,在电视表现形式上更新,性格描写更人性化。 Yang doorwoman will not let men and women, fighting for the heroic deeds of Liaobing thousands of years has been widely praised the world, has also been repeatedly put on theatrical scene and the size of the screen. At present, the famous martial arts director Li Guoli invested 20 million yuan in Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland China and Singapore, the four actors together to shoot a large martial arts film “Young Men” once again these well-known heroic deeds of women reproduce the screen . Unlike previous episodes of the same name series filmed by Hong Kong's “Wireless” and “ATV” stations, the “Young Men's Major” is mainly concerned with the scenes of 14 heroines from the age of 10 to the 30s, Level younger than usual, and the four generations of Yang family focus on writing two generations: throwing the first generation of She Tai-jun and the fourth generation of Yang Wenguang, the first half of the play focuses on the Yang Ba Mei and Yang exhaust two characters, then Mu Guiying mainly in the half, based on the woman drama, before and after joining Yang An, Yang Zongbao, Yang Rokuro, Yang Shiro and several other men supporting role play, very fresh and induced. The theme is to write a woman how to self-improvement in the harsh environment, there is no consistent dark side of the woman scene, the war is packaging, feelings as a starting point in the update on the TV form, character description more humane.
背景资料 《高加索俘虏》是俄罗斯“商队”公司与美国“普勒达克辛”公司于1996年合拍的。获1997年美国“奥斯卡”最佳外语片奖提名、1996年戛纳国际电影节国际影评联合会奖
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