
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ys13920715
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改革开放三十年来,我国经济社会发生了巨大变化,经济规模和发展质量都取得了令人瞩目的成就。在改革开放的不同时期,国家经济战略都体现出鲜明的特色,政府运用财政、金融、产业等多种手段,保障各项战略的顺利实施。其中财政政策始终是主角,为我国经济逐渐走向又好又快发展立下了汗马功劳。我国市场化改革和体制转轨的核心内容,是国有和民营经济发展战略问题。对此,国家一方面通过各种途径优化国有经济,推动国有企业建立现代企业制度的改革,实现国有经济的合理“退出”与“进入”;另一方面,大力支持民营 Since the reform and opening up for the past 30 years, great changes have taken place in our economy and society and remarkable successes have been made in the economic scale and in the quality of development. In different periods of reform and opening up, the national economic strategies have distinct features. The government uses various means such as finance, finance and industry to ensure the smooth implementation of various strategies. Among them, the fiscal policy has always been the protagonist and has made a lot of contribution to the rapid and sound development of our economy. The core content of China's market-oriented reform and system transformation is the strategic issue of the development of state-owned and private economy. In this regard, on the one hand, the state optimizes the state-owned economy through various channels and promotes the reform of the modern enterprise system by state-owned enterprises so as to achieve the reasonable “exit” and “entry” of the state-owned economy; on the other hand,
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闲看花开花落,坐观云卷云舒——自有一番怡然风味!——题记夜,格外寂静。现在,人们总向往着城市,向往着那里的繁华与热闹,可我却偏爱那恬淡宁静的山村—— Free to spend th
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