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为了系统的总结大白菜采种技术和交流经验,黑龙江省园艺学会与哈尔滨市农学会于1964年8月18-23日举行了第二次大白菜采种学术讨论会。出席会议的有各方面的代表34名。收到论文12篇。 有关采种方面的论文11篇,其中《黑龙江省牛心白菜采种技术考察报告》一文,以充分的调查数据论述了黑龙江省牛心白菜种子来源、采种历史、品种类型及选留母株、适期定植、严格隔离、施肥、灌水和防治病虫害的基本经验,同时指出了该省大白菜采种存在的问题。在《影响大白菜种子产量的几个问题》的报告中指出:影响大白菜种子产量的重要因素,是母株定植后烂葫芦头和空秕荚等问题。目前在大母株采种田里因烂葫芦头造成缺株的占28.5-63.6%,全株空秕荚占6-11%。因此,如何提高母株成活率和保证正常结荚,增产潜力还很大。 In order to systematically summarize the cabbage seed collection techniques and exchange of experience, Heilongjiang Horticultural Society and Harbin Agricultural Association held a second seminar on Chinese cabbage seed collection on August 18-23, 1964. There were 34 representatives from all walks of life attended the meeting. Received 12 papers. 11 papers about the seed collection, including “Heilongjiang beef bovine cabbage seed selection technology inspection report,” a text with sufficient survey data to discuss the source of bovine seeds of Heilongjiang Province, seed collection history, the type of species and selected mother plant, the appropriate period Planting, strict isolation, fertilization, irrigation and prevention and control of pests and diseases of the basic experience, at the same time pointed out the province of cabbage seedling problems. In the report “Several Problems Affecting the Yield of Chinese Cabbage,” the report pointed out: Important factors that affect the seed yield of Chinese cabbage are the problems of rotting gourd heads and empty pods after planting. At present, there are 28.5-63.6% of the missing strains caused by rotten gourd heads in the mulberry fields grown in the mother plant and 6-11% of the whole plant. Therefore, how to improve the survival rate of mother plants and ensure normal pod, yield potential is still great.
金县友谊公社光明大队第二生产队1972~1973年对黄瓜种子进行了“变温催芽”塑料大棚栽培试验(1972年亩产10,000 Golden County Friendship Brigade Brigade production team
《广西通志》各专志编辑室 ,各地、市、县地方志办公室 :经自治区人民政府同意 ,广西地方志优秀成果奖每三年评奖一次 ,一、二、三等奖由自治区人民政府颁发荣誉证书 ,佳作奖
近几年来 ,新编地方志佳构迭出 ,广西人民出版社 1998年 10月出版的《南宁市志》(以下略称“市志”) ,即是其中之一。兹以所识厘定数端 ,略事评析。一、体大思精 ,形成了自成
中华人民共和国成立以来,高要人民在中国共产党的领导下,走过了50年不平凡的历程。光辉历史,激励高要人民奋发进取,迈向新的世纪。 (一) 解放后,高要人民在共产党领导下,农村经过土地改