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1、热点消费品70年代以前,手表、自行车、缝纫机始终是当时消费品市场的消费热点,被称为“老三大件”。80年代以后,随着生产的发展和人民收入水平的提高,电视机、录音机、电冰箱、洗衣机等家电商品成为新的消费热点,被称为“新四大件”。那么,90年代的消费热点是什么呢?如表中所示,总的来说,九十年代的消费渐趋多元化,对热点消费品的趋同率降低。一方面是由于收入层次、消费层次的拉开,不同消费层次的热点有所不同。另一方面是攀比消费、盲从消费减少,大部分人进入量入为出、随用随买、考虑实用的理性消费阶段。因此,现在已很难找到象“老三大件”、“新四大件”购买集中度这么高的热点了。2、热点规格热点消费品在逐渐变化,热点消费品中的热点规格也在不断转移。例如,电视机从七十年代的黑白转 1. Hot consumer goods Before the 1970s, watches, bicycles, and sewing machines were always the hotspots for consumer goods at the time, and they were called the “big threes”. After the 1980s, with the development of production and the improvement of people’s income level, home appliances such as television sets, tape recorders, refrigerators, and washing machines became new hotspots for consumption, and they were called “new four major items.” Then, what are the hotspots of consumption in the 1990s? As shown in the table, in general, the consumption in the 1990s became more diversified, and the convergence rate of hot consumer goods decreased. On the one hand, it is due to the opening up of income levels and consumption levels. There are different hot spots in different consumption levels. On the other hand, it is the rational consumption phase where people are spending more than they want and blindly reducing their consumption. Therefore, it has been difficult to find hot spots such as the “three big items” and the “new four major items” with a high concentration of purchases. 2. Hotspot specifications Hot consumer products are gradually changing, and hotspots in hot consumer products are constantly shifting. For example, the television turned from black and white in the seventies
纵横四海极限人生——2008-2009沃尔沃环球帆船赛将启航沃尔沃环球帆船赛(Volvo Ocean Race)于2008年9月19日在西班牙阿里坎特港举行了盛大的赛事村开放仪式,逾两万市民及各
疯 子  田野上铺满了金灿灿的油菜花,桑港头的大樟树绿得仿佛能拧出水时,一个五大三粗的男人被村里人捆绑着,由一个瘦弱的婆婆指挥着,押解到桑港头的上港庙前跪着。这场景常在我脑海里显现,我至今都不知道他们为何要这样做,好似我们小孩玩的游戏,只不过主角换成了大人。  那捆绑着的男人是我发小的爸爸,他的眼神我一直记得,涣散、游离、迷茫、忧郁,像盛夏鱼塘里莫名浮上来的死鱼。婆婆挥舞着桃木大刀欲做砍杀状,口中
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