Bioinspired approaches for medical devices

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangtaozheng
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Advances in medical devices have revolutionized the treatment of human diseases,such as stents in occluded coronary artery,left ventricular assist devices in heart failure,pacemakers in arrhythmias,etc.Despite their significance,the development of devices for reducing and avoiding the thrombosis formation,obtaining excellent mechanical performance,and achieving stable electronic physiology remains challenging and unresolved.Fortunately,nature serves as a good resource of inspirations,and brings us endless bioinspired physicochemical ideas to better the development of novel artificial materials and devices that enable us to potentially overcome the unresolved obstacles.Bioinspired approaches,in particularly,owe much of their current development in biology,chemistry,materials science,medicine and engineering to the design and fabrication of advanced devices.The application of bioinspired devices is a burgeoning area in these fields of research.In this perspective,we would take the cardiovascular device as one example to show how these bioinspired approaches could be used to build novel,advanced biomedical devices with precisely controlled functions.Here,bioinspired approaches are utilized to solve issues like thrombogenic,mechanical and electronic physiology problems in medical devices.Moreover,there is an outlook for future challenges in the development of bioinspired medical devices. Advances in medical devices have revolutionized the treatment of human diseases, such as stents in occluded coronary artery, left ventricular assist devices in heart failure, pacemakers in arrhythmias, etc.Despite their significance, the development of devices for reducing and avoiding the thrombosis formation, obtaining excellent mechanical performance, and achieving stable electronic physiology remains challenging and unresolved.Fortunately, nature serves as a good resource of inspirations, and brings us endless bioinspired physicochemical ideas to better the development of novel artificial materials and devices that enable us to potentially overcome the unresolved obstacles. bioinspired approaches, in particularly, owe much of their current development in biology, chemistry, materials science, medicine and engineering to the design and fabrication of advanced devices. the application of bioinspired devices is a burgeoning area in these fields of research. In this perspective, we would take the cardio vascular device as one example to show how these bioinspired could could be used to build novel, advanced biomedical devices with precisely controlled functions. Here, bioinspired approaches are utilized to solve issues like thrombogenic, mechanical and electronic physiology problems in medical devices. Moreover, there is an outlook for future challenges in the development of bioinspired medical devices.
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