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一 十年树木。《汉语学习》创刊十年,已成长为一棵根深叶茂的大树了。它的影响遍布全世界。我在西德三城市、东柏林和波兰三城市所遇到的许多从事汉语研究和教学的人都订购、阅读或知道这个刊物。《汉语学习》成功的原因很多,我想除开它比较好地贯彻了百家争鸣的方针,广泛团结各方面的语言学工作者这一点外,其重要原因是它侧重从外族人学习汉语的角度出发研究汉语(这是《汉语学习》办刊的主要宗旨),也就是贯彻了语言比较的原则。所以我特地选了这个题目作为对《汉语学习》创刊十周年的献礼。 我国古人很早就认识到比较是一种重要的认识方法。王充(公元27—约97)在《论衡·案书》中说:“两刃相割,利钝乃知;两论相订,是非乃见”。洛克(1632——1704)非常重视比较的方法。他说:“知识是由我们比较各种明白而清晰的事物而获得的。”“关系底本质就在于两个事物底互相参照、互相比较”。爱因斯坦也非常重视比较的作用。他说过:“知识不能单从经验中得出,而只能从理智的发明同观察到的事实两者的比较中得出”。在近代科学中,恩格斯指出,首先在生物学中,“应用比较的方法成为可能而且成为必要”。对语言的自觉认识,也首先来源于比较。对此英国当代著名的语言学家罗宾斯说过:“对语言的自觉认识最早可能是 Ten years of trees. “Chinese learning” started ten years, has grown into a deep-rooted tree. Its effects are spread all over the world. Many of my people in Chinese-speaking studies and teaching that I have encountered in the three cities of West Germany, East Berlin and Poland subscribe to, read or know about this publication. There are many reasons for the success of “Chinese learning”. I think it is important that apart from the principle of a hundred schools of thought contending for its better implementation and the unity of linguistic workers in various fields, it is mainly due to its emphasis on studying Chinese learning from the perspective of foreigners Chinese (this is the main purpose of running a Chinese learning), that is, carrying out the principle of language comparison. Therefore, I specifically selected this topic as a tribute to the tenth anniversary of the founding of “Chinese learning.” The ancients in our country have long realized that comparison is an important way of knowing. Wang Chong (AD 27-about 97) said in the “Lun Heng case book” that “the two are incised and the other is the blunder; Locke (1632-1704) attaches great importance to the method of comparison. He said: ”Knowledge is obtained by comparing all kinds of things that we know clearly and clearly.“ ”The essence of the relationship lies in the mutual reference and comparison of the two things.“ Einstein also attaches great importance to the role of comparison. He said: ”Knowledge can not be drawn from experience alone, but from the comparison of the invention of reason with the fact of observation.“ In modern science, Engels pointed out that, first of all, in biology, ”the method of applying comparison becomes possible and necessary.“ Self-awareness of language, but also from the first comparison. This famous contemporary British linguist Robbins said: ”The conscious awareness of the language may be the earliest
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