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建湖县位于苏北沿海开放地区,隶属江苏省盐城市,东临黄海,西连湖荡,气候温和,景色秀丽,农产品丰富,还有“淮剧之乡”、“杂枝之乡”美称。建湖历史悠久,人文底蕴丰厚,是南宋左丞相陆秀夫、现代外交家乔冠华、第一位登上太空的美籍华人王赣骏的故乡。改革开放以来,尤其近年来,建湖经济社会事业得到了迅速发展,形成了制鞋、油田机械、农药化工、灯具灯饰、花炮、纺织服装等六大经济板块,其中油田机械还被江苏省列为20个重点扶持产业集群之一。这样,又有了建湖“皮鞋之乡”和“花炮之乡”的美誉。 Jianhu County is located in the northern Jiangsu coastal open area, under the jurisdiction of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, east of the Yellow Sea, west of the lake, mild climate, beautiful scenery, rich agricultural products, as well as “Huai Opera Hometown”, “miscellaneous township” reputation. Jianhu has a long history and abundant humanities. It is the hometown of Wang Ganjun, the first Chinese ascended the throne in space, by the Southern Song prime minister Lu Xiufu and modern diplomat Qiao Guanhua. Since the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, Jianhu has enjoyed rapid economic and social development and formed six major economic sectors, including shoemaking, oilfield machinery, pesticide chemicals, lamps and lanterns, fireworks, textiles and clothing, among which Jiangsu Oilfield Machinery It is one of the 20 key supporting industrial clusters. In this way, there Jianhu “shoes village” and “hometown of fireworks” in the world.
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