Classification of Spectra of Emission Line Stars Using Machine Learning Techniques

来源 :International Journal of Automation & Computing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zihaocn
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Advances in the technology of astronomical spectra acquisition have resulted in an enormous amount of data available in world-wide telescope archives. It is no longer feasible to analyze them using classical approaches, so a new astronomical discipline,astroinformatics, has emerged. We describe the initial experiments in the investigation of spectral line profiles of emission line stars using machine learning with attempt to automatically identify Be and B[e] stars spectra in large archives and classify their types in an automatic manner. Due to the size of spectra collections, the dimension reduction techniques based on wavelet transformation are studied as well. The result clearly justifies that machine learning is able to distinguish different shapes of line profiles even after drastic dimension reduction. Advances in the technology of astronomical spectra acquisition have resulted in an enormous amount of data available in world-wide telescope archives. It is no longer feasible to analyze them using classical approaches, so a new astronomical discipline, astroinformatics, has emerged. We describe the initial experiments in the investigation of spectral line profiles of emission line stars using machine learning with attempt to automatically identify Be and B [e] stars spectra in large archives and classify their types in an automatic manner. Due to the size of spectra collections, the dimension reduction techniques based on wavelet transformation are studied as well. The result clearly justifies that machine learning is able to distinguish different shapes of line profiles even after drastic dimension reduction.
首台国产 LGMS4624矿渣立式辊磨机于2007年6月底投入运行,该机各部分的数据采集及控制由专用的 PLC 可编程控制柜完成,再与全厂的 DCS 系统采用 Profibus-DP总线联结,从而实
在碱性条件下,以正硅酸乙脂(TEOS)为硅源,十六烷基三甲基溴化胺(CTAB)为模板剂,通过掺杂的方法合成了过渡金属离子钴掺杂的介孔Co-SBA-3材料。   以异丙氧基钛为钛源,以滇蔗草为模