For high-speed communications systems, development of a single logic series. The family has been developed to provide 8 joules of speed and power consumption products, 2 gigahertz turnover frequency and 50 ohm transmission system, the propagation delay time of 400 pico-second / door. The primary factor in achieving high speed and low power consumption is the new circuit form: Improved No Threshold Logic (N.T.L) circuit. In this circuit, the transistor operates almost in the area of action, thus increasing the switching speed. In addition, a new master-slave flip-flop is designed to make the delay of the flip-flop approximately equal to the delay of a gate. The device is fabricated using p-n junction isolation. The emitter emitter width of the transistor is 2 μm and the cut-off frequency is 4 GHz. This article describes the logic series has been developed performance and circuit design.