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新闻报道中的描写,第一要准确,第二要新鮮。有的同志描繪景色,刻划人物,往往不假思索,摇笔即来;写天亮了,就是“东方現出魚肚白色”;比况战士的意志,就是“鋼铁般的坚强”;形容姑娘的笑声,就是“像銀鈴一样清脆”。不是说不能这样写,不是的!当你思索过,觉得唯有用它們来描写、比况、形容才准确的时候,那是适当的。但沿用久了,或者順手牵来,便失去了新鮮感,因此也就不鮮明感人。 The description in the news report should be accurate first and secondly fresh. Some comrades portray scenery and characterization. They often think without thinking or shaking their heads. When the dawn is over, the eastern part of the body shows a white tribal motif. The will of the warriors is a steel-like stance. The girl’s laughter , Is “crisp as silver bell.” Not that can not be written like this, no! When you think about it, I think it is appropriate only to use them to describe, compare and describe accurately. However, with a long time, or easily brought, they lose the freshness, it is not obvious touching.
江南花糯是江苏省农科院粮食所育成的糯玉米特色新品种, 2001年通过江苏省审定(品种审定号:苏审玉200105),由江苏省江蔬种苗科技有限公司独家开发经营。该品种获国家植物新品
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话题概述  卫生与健康是学生在日常生活中最为熟悉的话题之一。对于这类话题,写作时无论是观点的表达,还是事理的分析,都能有话可说。但也要注意以下两点:  1.分析评论、例证一定要清晰,观点鲜明,不要拖泥带水。  2.论证手段、方法评述与英语说明文中的一些写作手法相同,常用举例法、因果法、比较法等等,但不要写成以介绍健康知识为主的说明文。  从议论的角度看,卫生与健康方面的话题大致可以分为以下两种情况
As I was just an average student in high school, I studied hard in college for the first year and a half. Not because I wasnt trying; it was just an experience
One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a special test. After hearing that, all students were seated and waited for the test to be
As children, we all dream of what we want to be when we grow up. Often, many young children will say that they want to be actors or singers, pop stars or models