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珠江三角洲地区(以下简称珠三角)作为中国改革开放前沿阵地,其蓬勃发展、充满活力的区域经济,多年来一直引领着我国经济的发展。国家批复实施珠三角改革发展规划纲要,规定以广东省的广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、江门、东莞、中山、惠州和肇庆市为主体的珠三角9市,辐射泛珠江三角洲区域,并将与港澳紧密合作。初步核算,201 1年珠三角9市地区生产总值(GDP)突破5万亿元。当前及未来一段时间,珠三角正处于产业结构转型升级和经济发展方式转变的关键时期,这一区域在国家战略的指引下,将大力推进产业布局一体化进程,优先发展现代服务业,加快发展先进制造业,大力发展高技术产业,改造提升优势传统产业,积极发展现代农业,建设现代服务业和先进制造业双轮驱动的主体产业群,率先形成产业结构高级化、产业发展集聚化、产业竞争力高端化的现代产业体系。涉及5大领域30个产业,到201 2年,服务业增加值占GDP的比重达53%,高技术制造业增加值占工业增加值的比重达27%;到201 5年,以上两个比重分别达到55%以上和28%以上;到2020年,以上两个比重分别提高到60%以上和30%以上,战略性新兴产业成为珠三角重要的主导产业。2012年是实施珠三角规划纲要实现“四年大发展”收官之年,珠三角产业转型升级也面临着大考。 As the forefront of China’s reform and opening up, the Pearl River Delta region (hereinafter referred to as the Pearl River Delta) has enjoyed vigorous growth and a vibrant regional economy and has been leading the economic development of our country for many years. China approved the implementation of the plan for the reform and development of the Pearl River Delta and stipulated that the 9 cities in the Pearl River Delta with Guangdong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Jiangmen, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Huizhou and Zhaoqing as major areas should radiate the Pan-Pearl River Delta region, Hong Kong and Macao work closely together. Preliminary calculations show that the gross domestic product (GDP) of nine cities in the Pearl River Delta in 2009 exceeded 5 trillion yuan. At present and in the near future, the PRD is at a critical juncture in the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure and the transformation of the mode of economic development. Under the guidance of the national strategy, this region will vigorously promote the integration of industrial distribution, giving priority to the development of modern service industry and accelerating development Advanced manufacturing, vigorously develop high-tech industries, transform and upgrade superior traditional industries, actively develop modern agriculture, and build a two-wheel-driven modern service industry and advanced manufacturing industry cluster, the first to form a high-level industrial structure, industrial agglomeration, industry Competitive high-end modern industrial system. Involving 30 industries in 5 major fields. By 201 2, the added value of service industries will account for 53% of GDP and the added value of high-tech manufacturing industries will account for 27% of the added value of industrial output. By 201 5, the above two weights Reaching above 55% and above 28% respectively. By 2020, the above two proportions have respectively increased to over 60% and above 30%, and strategic emerging industries have become an important leading industry in the PRD. In 2012, the implementation of the plan for the implementation of the Pearl River Delta will be completed and the year of “four-year development” will be completed. The industrial transformation and upgrading of the Pearl River Delta will also face a final exam.
The nucleation of eutectic crystals of hypoeutectic Al-7 wt pct Si-Mg casting alloys modified by Ce and Sr was studied by using differential scanning calorimete
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自2003年开始,仅次于德国,荷兰成为中国在欧盟成员国中第二大贸易伙伴,同时也成为中国对欧盟的第二大出口国。日前,针对中国产品在国际上遭遇“质量门”事件,本刊记者采访了荷兰中国商会中国首席代表高滢。高滢表示,目前中国产品在荷兰并没有受“质量门”事件影响,仍然大受欢迎。    一个浪漫之夜      荷兰位居莱茵河、玛斯河、斯海尔德河西欧三大河川的出口,是第二欧亚大陆桥的欧洲终点,成为沟通欧亚两大市