
来源 :中国实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingfangzhi12
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目的 :探讨硅油进入前房后对房角组织的影响。方法 :将 2 5只健康新西兰白兔随机分成实验组和对照组 ,分别于前房注射硅油和平衡盐溶液 (BSS)注射后据眼压情况再次分组 ,并于注射后第 3 0日将眼压增高兔眼中的硅油取出。分别于注射后第 5、 15、 3 0、 60、 90日采集标本行透射电镜观察。结果 :2 1/ 5 0的兔眼注射硅油后出现眼压增高。电镜下可见小梁间隙增宽 ;胶原及弹性纤维增生 ,内皮网内不定形物堆集并随高眼压持续时间延长而更趋明显。硅油取出后眼压和房角组织逐渐恢复正常。眼压正常眼初期可见小梁网轻度扩张 ,房水丛管腔壁内皮细胞吞噬囊泡增多 ,后逐渐消退。结论 :硅油进入前房后可引起持续性眼压增高并由此引起房角组织发生病理改变 ,硅油取出后可恢复正常。硅油自身对房角组织无毒性和破坏性 Objective: To investigate the effect of silicone oil on the angle of the anterior chamber after entering the anterior chamber. Methods: Twenty-five healthy New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. They were subdivided into groups according to the intraocular pressure after injection of silicone oil and balanced saline solution (BSS) Pressure increase in the eyes of rabbit oil removed. The specimens collected on the 5th, 15th, 30th, 60th and 90th days after injection were observed by transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS: Intraocular pressure (IOP) increased after injection of silicone oil in 2 1/50 eyes. Electron microscope showed that the trabecular gap widened; collagen and elastic fiber hyperplasia, endothelial network of non-shape accumulation and with the duration of elevated intraocular pressure and more obvious. After removing the silicone oil, IOP and angle angle tissue gradually returned to normal. Initial intraocular pressure showed mild trabecular meshwork expansion, aqueous humor wall endothelial cell phagocytosis increased, and then gradually subsided. CONCLUSIONS: Silicone oil can cause persistent intraocular pressure (IOP) increase after entering the anterior chamber and cause pathological changes in the angle tissue. After the silicone oil is removed, it can return to normal. Silicone oil itself is non-toxic and destructive to the corner tissue
欧佩克决定维持现有原油产量不变石油输出国组织(欧佩克)12月5日在阿联酋首都阿布扎比举行的部长级特别会议上决定暂时维持现有原油产量不变。欧佩克在会后发表的一份公 OPE
文言文中,为了加强表达效果,突出、强调某些词语,或出于某种习惯,常常出现—些特殊的词序,语序。了解、掌握其中的规律,可帮助我们更好地理解文意。 In classical Chinese,
1994年 ,国家语委、国家教委、广电部联合发出《关于开展普通话水平测试工作的决定》 ,使普通话水平测试成为加强推普工作力度的有力措施。 1998年 ,随着首届普通话水平培训