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基础教育课程改革是国家为适应时代发展的需要作出的重大决策。自新一轮课程改革全面实施以来,广大农村学校的课程改革取得了一定的成绩,教师的教育教学思想、教育方式方法等都产生了积极的变化,重视学生创新精神与实践能力的培养正逐渐成为教师的自觉行为。课程改革给农村教师带来了动力,给农村孩子们带来了活力,也给农村教育带来了勃勃生机。但农村中小学在课改中面临的困难也逐渐显露出来,农村学校软硬件都极不完善的现实制约着新课程优势的展示,习惯势力的巨大干扰增加了新课程具体实施的困难。这些问题和困难如果得不到妥善解决,将会严重影响农村地区课程改革的进一步深化。新课程改革是战略考量,是世界潮流,是大势所趋,尽管前进中有许多困难,但只要我们坚定信心,勇于改革,共同营造一个良好的氛围,我们相信,随着农村教育条件的日益改善,农村课改的明天一定会更美好! The basic education curriculum reform is a major policy that the country has made to meet the needs of the development of the times. Since the new round of curriculum reform has been fully implemented, the majority of rural schools have made some achievements in the curriculum reform. Teachers have made positive changes in education and teaching methods as well as in methods and methods of education. Gradually emphasis has been placed on the cultivation of students' innovative spirit and practical ability Become a teacher's conscious behavior. Curriculum reforms have brought momentum to rural teachers, brought vitality to rural children, and brought vitality to rural education. However, the difficulties faced by elementary and middle schools in rural areas are gradually exposed. The extremely imperfect reality of software and hardware in rural schools restricts the display of advantages of new courses. The huge disturbance of habit forces increases the difficulty of implementing the new curriculum. If these problems and difficulties are not properly solved, the reform of the curriculum in rural areas will be seriously affected. The reform of the new curriculum is a strategic consideration. It is a trend in the world. It is a trend of the times. Despite many difficulties in our progress, as long as we are firm in our confidence and have the courage to reform and jointly create a good atmosphere, we believe that as the conditions for rural education improve, Course tomorrow will be better!
问题解决模式的学习:这是一种以问题为驱动力和以培养学习者问题意识、批判性的思维技巧以及问题解决的实践能力为主要目标的学习。 项目研究模式的学习:这是一种教与学的实
﹃‘咐‘: 糟:为表明动物不是物品,而是同我们平等地位的生物{畴启用 异体字“物”代指动物。 日肾 “同伴”,想到这,卜 独,虽然来到城市‘也砌幼只才 :饵攀鳞蟾鬓巍螂畸窦嚎 _
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