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湖北省鄂城市石山公社五里墩大队党支部重视教育事业,在加强思想政治工作的同时,满腔热忱地关心教师。几年来,他们注意抓好五件事,解决了教师政治上、经济上、生活上、工作上的实际问题。一、积极在教师中发展党、团员。以前,这个大队没有在教师中发展过党员。粉碎“四人帮”以来,特别是十一届三中全会以来,大队党支部解放思想,经常给教师上党课,做好申请入党教师的培养工作,积极发展符合党员条件的教师入党。现在这个大队学校共有五名党员,占教师总数的10%,改变了“教师入党难”的状况。大队团支部也重视在青年教师中发展团员,该校25名适龄青年教师,已有21人入了团。二、造成一个尊重教师的社会风气,大队党支部经常宣传教育工作的重要性,教育学生家长和社员群众支持学校工作,尊重教师,使教师能心情舒畅地抓教学,大胆严格管理学生。同时,他们特别注意扭转轻慢、不尊重教师的不良风气。前年,有一位家长因袒护孩子,晚上到学校去骂老师。党支部知 The Party Branch of Wulidun Battalion of Ershi Shicheng Commune in Hubei Province attached great importance to education. While strengthening ideological and political work, it enthusiastically looked after teachers. Over the past few years, they have paid special attention to five things and have solved the practical problems of teachers politically, economically, in life and at work. First, actively develop the teachers in the teachers, members. In the past, this brigade has not developed party members among its teachers. Since the smashing of the “gang of four,” especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Party, the brigade party branches emancipate their minds and often give teachers a class education to do a good job in training teachers for joining the party and actively develop teachers who meet the conditions of party members to join the party. Now a total of five members of the brigade school, accounting for 10% of the total number of teachers, changing the “teachers into the party difficult” situation. Brigade and Mission branch also attach importance to the development of young teachers in the League members, the school 25 young teachers of age, 21 people have joined the group. Second, to create a social atmosphere of respect for teachers, brigade party propaganda and education often the importance of educating parents and members of the masses to support school work, respect for teachers, so that teachers can feel comfortable learning, bold and strict management of students. At the same time, they pay particular attention to turning lightly on their knees and disrespecting the bad habits of teachers. Two years ago, one of the parents, kidding children, went to school at night to curse the teacher. Party branch know