,Theoretical Calculation of a Focused Acoustic Field from a Linear Phased Array on a Concave Cylindr

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cloudyliu
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A new linear phased array on a concave cylindrical transducer is designed for meeting the specific requirements of applications for interstitial thermal ablation.Using the array,a focal line can be generated rapidly and the focal position can be adjusted in the proper range without the use of complex mechanical structures.The focused acoustic field distributions in the axial,radial and azimuthal directions of the transducer are investigated theoretically by numerical simulation.Effects of the focai distance,steering angle,element arc-width,arc-space between adjacent elements and number of elements on the acoustic field are also thoroughly studied.Many important results are obtained.Interstitial thermal ablation is a promising technique for treating tumors that are both nonresectable and difficult to reach with extracorporeal therapy.[1,2] In this method,a small transducer is brought into contact with the targeted region and emits a highintensity acoustic wave;the interaction between the wave and the tissues causes a strong heating effect that induces the thermal coagulation and necrosis of the target.[3]
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摘 要:隧道二衬混凝土施工是最重要的一道工序,二衬承载洞身大部分应力,其强度是保证隧道质量与安全的重要工作。本文从工程具体事例分析,与影响混凝土强度有较大关系的原材料、搅拌混凝土、现场施工、后期养护进行详细分析与说明。  关键词:二衬混凝土;强度;质量;工程  1 工程概况  该隧道为分离式双洞,南线全长2128m,北线全长2139m,标准段两车道断面为R-520cm,的单心圆形势,单洞标准断面内
摘 要:国家经济的快速发展、社会经济基础设施的大量建设、企业如雨后春笋般的成立等都为电力供应部门带来的了巨大的压力。加上近些年城市化速度的加快、城市人口的激增,人们对用电的消耗量也是与日俱增。所以,为了提高发电量、降低能源消耗,及时的将热能资源和动力工程运用与发电企业当中,以实现强化发电功率、降低电能无功耗损就成为了发展的关键。  关键词:热能;动力工程;节能措施;耗损;节能降耗;调压调节  电力