
来源 :云南消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cs_200901
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1994年第4期《云南消防》杂志编读往来栏目刊出了由作者一工拍摄的《这类事该谁管》一图(见该期31页),并配发了文字说明.图片上有一只“锈迹斑斑,满目疮痍,药剂过期”的泡沫灭火器,看过文字说明之后才知是“楚雄市某机关办公大楼”上悬挂的灭火器,读者提出了“这类事该谁管?的疑问,本人作为防火监督员,就所知情况作如下答疑.楚雄市有42人口、19个乡镇,而楚雄市消防大队仅有4名干警担负着全市范围内的防火安全检查、建筑设计防火审核、易燃易爆化学物品管理、防火宣传、指挥扑救火灾、火灾案件的调查处理等繁重的消防监督任务,范围广、人手少、事情多,以至于该大队任何干警都未享受过所谓的“大星期”,其他休息日加班加点干工作则更是家常便饭.即便如此,仍旧不能面面俱到,于是读者一工同志发现了那只“锈迹斑斑”的灭火器.那么,是不是因为消防部门人少事多“这类事”就没人管了呢?回答是否定的《楚雄市人民政府乡(镇)单位行政首长防火安全责任保证书》第一条规定“……各单位法人代表是本单位消防安全工作的第一责任人,必须对本地区、本单位的消防工作全面负责……”第四条规定“根据灭火的需要,建立健全义务消防组织,配置相应种类、数量的灭火器材、设备和设施……”第五条规定“对本地区、本单位要 In 1994, the magazine “Yunnan Fire” magazine compiles a column containing a list of “such matters” (see page 31 of this issue) filmed by the author and assigned a written explanation. There is a “rusty, devastated, expired” foam fire extinguisher, read the text after the description was “Chuxiong City, an office building,” the hanging fire extinguishers, the reader raised the “question of this type of thing? , As a fire supervisor, as far as I know about the following Q & A. Chuxiong 42 population, 19 towns and townships, and Chuxiong Fire Brigade only four police officers responsible for the city’s fire safety inspection, architectural design fire audit, Flammable and explosive chemicals management, fire prevention and publicity, command and rescue fires, fire investigation and handling of heavy fire supervision tasks, a wide range of manpower less, so many things, so that any brigade police did not enjoy the so-called ”big Week “, rest days are more commonplace when they work overtime and work overtime, but even then they still can not cover everything, so readers of Comrade I discovered the” rusty “fire extinguisher. Because the fire department people little more ”such things“ no one control? The answer is negative ”Chuxiong City People’s government township (town) unit chief executive fire safety responsibility guarantee“ the first rule ”...... each unit legal person Representative is the first person in charge of fire safety work of this unit must be fully responsible for the fire prevention work in this area and this unit ... “Article 4” According to the needs of fire fighting, establish and improve voluntary fire fighting organizations, configure the appropriate type and quantity of fire fighting Equipment, equipment and facilities ...... “Article V regulations” for the region, the unit wants
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