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生物标志物对于生命科学的研究发展,以及医学诊断、临床治疗和新药开发都具有重要意义,因而备受世界各国(地区)的关注,成为生物医学领域重要的研究热点。为此,不少国家(地区)都加大投入,建设生物标志物的数据平台等基础设施,同时出台相应的研究规划支持生物标志物相关基础研究的发展。与此同时,各跨国医药企业也对生物标志物及其相关应用的开发给予了高度关注,在知识产权方面开展前瞻性布局,并推动基础研究成果向终端产品的转化。为了全面透视国内外生物标志物的研发现状和趋势,从而为生物医学的基础研究以及相关产品的开发提供决策参考,有必要从情报研究的角度对国内外生物标志物的研究与应用进行分析。 Biomarkers are of great importance to the research and development of life sciences, as well as to medical diagnosis, clinical treatment and new drug development. Therefore, biomarkers have attracted worldwide attention and become important research hotspots in the field of biomedicine. To this end, many countries (regions) have increased their input and built infrastructure such as biomarker data platforms. At the same time, they have issued corresponding research plans to support the development of basic research on biomarkers. At the same time, multinational pharmaceutical companies are also paying close attention to the development of biomarkers and their related applications, proactively allocating intellectual property rights and promoting the conversion of basic research results into end products. In order to provide a comprehensive reference for the research and development of biomarkers both at home and abroad, and provide a reference for decision-making in the basic research of biomedicine and related product development, it is necessary to analyze the research and application of biomarkers both at home and abroad from the perspective of intelligence research.
根据油田开发的需要 ,为进一步搞清开发区及空白区内的断层、有利构造圈闭分布等情况 ,综合利用地震数据体 ,应用多种精细解释手段 ,开展了精细地震地质解释 ,包括高精度层位
男,40岁,无诱因腹胀、腹泻2月余入院.患者腹泻每日2~7次,为黄色稀便,无脓血便、里急后重.口服胰酶制剂后症状可缓解,无发热,体重减轻约7 kg.9年前因右肾癌行右肾摘除术,糖尿病
意大利米兰当地时间8月3日,米兰世博会中国茶文化周在米兰世博园的中国国家馆盛大开幕。江西名茶斩获2015年“百年世博中国名茶”6项大奖。   一百年前,中国茶叶在1915年巴拿
患者女,19岁,因停经50 d,超声检查发现宫内妊娠、左侧附件区包块.30 d前曾行人流术,后于2009-06-03入院治疗本病,体温37.5°C.患者平素月经正常.体检:腹平软,阴道较多白色分