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随着经济的发展,耕地资源功能多元化,其中最重要也是最直接的功能是保证区域粮食安全和对区域农民的社会保障功能。以北京市大兴区为例,以耕地资源的生产功能和社会保障功能为基础,以耕地农作物产出为媒介,建立数学模型,计算区域最小耕地面积,并与区域实际耕地面积比较,得出耕地资源安全的状态值,对研究区和区域内各个乡、镇的耕地所处安全态势进行评价。区域耕地资源安全,要同时保证耕地资源最直接的生产功能和社会保障的安全。最小耕地面积和耕地资源安全状态值,可以衡量一个区域耕地资源安全的态势。从空间分布看,大兴区北部经济发达的乡镇不安全状态较为剧烈。区域农业应该及时调整农业结构以保障耕地资源安全。 With the development of economy, the function of cultivated land resources is diversified. The most important and direct function of cultivated land resources is to ensure the regional food security and the social security function of the peasants in the region. Taking Daxing District of Beijing as an example, based on the productive functions and social security functions of cultivated land resources, a mathematical model was set up based on cropland output and the minimum area of ​​cultivated land was calculated. Compared with the actual area of ​​cultivated land in the region, Resource security status values ​​of the study area and each township and town within the region to assess the security situation of cultivated land. Regional arable land resource security, at the same time to ensure the most direct production of farmland resources and social security. The minimum cultivated area and cultivated land resource security status value can measure the situation of cultivated land resource security in a region. Judging from the spatial distribution, the insecure state of the economically developed towns in the northern part of Daxing District is more violent. Regional agriculture should promptly adjust the agricultural structure to ensure the safety of cultivated land resources.
8月3日,中南林业科技大学音乐系青年教师周霞在日本冲绳县浦添市Tedako 音乐厅举行二胡独奏音乐会,中国传统音乐的魅力令到场的日本观众深深折服。周霞也是湖南省第一位在日本
【摘 要】本文将电动汽车作为研究对象,并对其建立动力学模型,然后介绍了电动汽车的防滑控制方法,更具防滑控制方法设计PID与模糊驱动防滑控制器,并查看此种方法的效果,得出结论此方式能够在很短的时间内是滑移率趋近于零。  【关键词】电动汽车;防滑控制;PID控制;模糊控制  引言  由于我国发展迅速,带来的环境影响加剧,为防止环境问题继续加剧,电动汽车的研制得到国家的大力扶持,并且世界上很多公司都在研