
来源 :中国统一战线 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong430
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1998年,中央统战部以“新形势下的统一战线工作”为总课题,组织全国统战系统,开展了历史上规模最大的调研活动,获得丰硕成果。调查研究工作历来是统战工作部门的优良传统。去年全国统战系统围绕中央关注、事关大局的重大问题,开展了一系列深入、扎实、富有成效的... In 1998, the Central United Front Department took the “united front work under the new situation” as the general task, organized the national united front system, carried out the largest research activities in history and achieved fruitful results. The research work has always been the fine tradition of the united front work department. Last year, the National United Front System carried out a series of in-depth, solid and fruitful achievements around major issues of concern to the central authorities and matters of the overall situation.
1 病例介绍女,6岁,学前班学生。9个月前始语言减少,表达力下降。2月后于晨间睡眠中突然凝视,右侧面肌及口角抽动,面色潮红,口吐泡沫,呼吸不整,喉中发出“咕嘟”声,继之右上肢阵挛并发展至
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