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万事开头难,当教师也不例外。有人这样强调第—步的作用:好的开头等于成功的一半。所以人们无论做什么事情都想有一个好的开端。我是一个年轻教师,想就此谈一些自己初上讲台的体会。 年轻教师上讲台可分两个阶段:即准备阶段和上讲台讲课阶段。 一、准备阶段。这个阶段要做的工作最主要的是两项:一是学习教材、教学大纲;一是虚心向老教师学习。教材、大纲规定了教学内容和教学指导思想,对教材不熟悉,对大纲精神不了解是搞不好教学的。这无须多说,我想着重谈谈第二点即虚心向老教师学习的问题。有些刚分到学校任教的教师,以为要教的内容自己学过,似乎用不着花功夫准备就能上台讲课,其实不然。记得我当初在准备试讲教案时,狠下了—番功夫,前后共花了半个多月的时间。初稿写完后,心里十分得意,觉得从内容到 Everything is hard at the beginning, when teachers are no exception. Some people emphasize the role of the first step: a good start is equal to half the battle. So people want to have a good start no matter what they do. I am a young teacher and would like to share with some of my own experiences on the rostrum. Young teachers on the podium can be divided into two stages: the preparatory phase and the stage lecture stage. First, the preparation stage. The most important work to be done at this stage is two things: one is to study teaching materials and teaching syllabuses; the other is to humbly learn from the old teachers. Teaching materials, outline the teaching content and teaching guidelines, are not familiar with the textbook, do not understand the spirit of the outline is to engage in teaching. Needless to say this, I would like to focus on the second point, that is, an open mind to learn from the old teachers. Some teachers who have just been assigned to teach in schools think that what they want to teach themselves has learned. It does not seem that they need to take time to prepare themselves for lectures. I remember when I was trying to teach lesson plans, ruthless - Fan Kung Fu, spent a total of more than half a month before and after. After the first draft is finished, my heart is very proud, that content from
附.小李自然课文中捉到的救子技物:总藏 、香(单子叶桂物烟:第一衡水梢(禾本科)构尾草(禾本科禾本科)姜科)、、竹今养天南星科第二册第四开第五开(禾本科)禾本科)(禾本科)(莎
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