在全世界数以方计的故事片中,为什么美国影片《乱世佳人》,历经四十余年久映不衰?它吸引观众的奥秘在哪里?现在笔者将这“电影艺术的珍品”介绍给读者。 一八六○年美国大选,亚伯拉罕·林肯当选总统。第二年,他以大无畏的气慨宣布废除罪恶的蓄奴制度、解放黑奴。这一顺应历史潮流的创举,却遭到了中南部十一个州的奴隶主疯狂的抵制和反对。他们拼凑起一个“南部联邦”,招兵买马,图谋叛乱,与北方政府抗衡。内战的乌云笼罩着美丽、宁静的美利坚合众
Why do the American film Gone with the Wind make its debut after more than 40 years? What is the mystery that attracts the audience? Now I introduce this “The Art of Cinematography” to the readers . 1860 US presidential election, Abraham Lincoln became president. The following year, with dauntless arousal, he announced the abolition of the criminal slavery system and liberated the slaves. This initiative, which conforms to the historical trend, was frantically boycotted and opposed by the slave-owners of the eleven southern Central States. They pieced together a “Southern Confederation,” recruited troops, plotted rebellion and contested with the northern government. The dark clouds of civil war are enveloped by the beautiful and tranquil United States