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晚饭时分:被人遗忘的“次黄金时段”傍晚时分人们回家打开电视,已紧张了一天的心理急需找一个合适的宣泄口,希望电视能带给他们轻松活泼的感官享受,作为工作学习之余的调剂和补偿。但电视人似乎还没清醒地意识到晚饭前后,即18:00-19:00这一时段已成为电视的“次黄金时段”。很多电视台为了争取黄金时间的收视率,将地方新闻提前到19点中央台《新闻联播》之前;还有电视人将这个时段的收视群体定位于儿童,播放儿童节目;有的则安排其他非强档节目。可是,这时屏幕上全是本地新闻或少儿节目,人们不免失望:“晚饭时分我们看什么?”综观全国省级卫视台在这段时间的节目,大多以本省新闻和少儿节目为主,只有部分电视台的频道安排了电视剧和娱乐新闻节目或其他。事实证明,后者完全可以争取一部分受众,特别是购买力强的青年受众。比如光线制作的《音乐风云榜》节目由原来北京五套13:20-13:40调整到北京二套18:25-18:55播出,播出两周后,央视索福瑞和AC尼尔森的收视调查结果表明,收视率由平均0.6%一跃升为平均2.2%左右,上升幅度之高,令人惊叹。再如湖北电视 Dinner time: forgotten “evening time ” people go home turn on the TV in the evening, has been a day of psychological urgently needed to find a suitable vent, hoping television can bring their relaxed and lively sensory enjoyment as a job Learn the rest of the swap and compensation. However, the TV seems to have not yet clearly aware before and after dinner, that period of 18: 00-19: 00 has become the television’s “prime time.” In order to win primetime ratings, many TV stations advanced local news ahead of the “News Network” of CCTV at 19 o’clock. Television stations also targeted children in this period of time and played children’s programs while others arranged other non-strong File program. However, when the screen is full of local news or children’s programs, people can not help but disappointment: “We look at dinner time? ” Looking at the national provincial satellite TV stations during this period of program, most of the provincial news and children’s programs Only part of the television channels are scheduled for drama and entertainment news programs or others. Facts have proved that the latter can win some audiences, especially the purchasing power of young audiences. Such as light production of “Music Billboard” program from the original five sets of Beijing 13: 20-13: 40 adjusted to Beijing two 18: 25-18: 55 broadcast, broadcast two weeks later, CCTV Suofu Rui and AC Nielsen The survey results show that ratings from an average of 0.6% jumped to an average of about 2.2%, the increase was high, amazing. Another example is Hubei TV
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