
来源 :中国人口.资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macg27
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一、当前全国“科技兴海”工作的形势 “科技兴海”就是要改变传统观念,树立海洋国土意识,把海洋开发作为经济建设的一个重要组成部分,要发挥科技第一生产力的作用,变海洋的资源优势为经济优势,使海洋经济在国民经济总产值构成中占有一定的份额。当前我国的“科技兴海”工作面临着很好的形势。 1.大好形势和发展机遇。实施“科技兴海”工作可以说是适应海洋开发的大好形势,抓住了一个良好机遇。目前,全国已经开始行动起来,沿海各省市根据本地实际和海洋资源、环境状况纷纷提出了“科技兴海”、“科技兴岛”、建设“海上山东”、建设“海上辽宁”、实施“蓝色计划”等 I. Current Situation of the Work of “Revitalizing China through Science and Technology” The “rejuvenating the seas with science and technology” means changing the traditional concepts and building a maritime homeland awareness. Taking marine development as an important part of economic construction, it is necessary to give play to the role of science and technology as the primary productive force. The advantages of the marine resources are economic advantages, which make the marine economy occupy a certain share in the composition of the national economy. At present, our work of “rejuvenating the seas with science and technology” is facing a very good situation. 1. Great situation and opportunities for development. The implementation of “science and technology to develop the sea” can be said to be a good situation to adapt to the development of the oceans and seize a good opportunity. At present, the whole country has already started to take action. Various coastal provinces and municipalities have proposed “rejuvenating the seas by science and technology” and “rejuvenating the island by science and technology” in the light of local conditions, marine resources and environmental conditions, building “maritime Shandong”, building “maritime Liaoning” and implementing “blue Color plan ”and so on
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【摘要】本文将图式理论与翻译实践联系起来,分析在源语的解码和目的语的编码过程中图式如何发挥作用,对翻译实践有现实的指导意义。  【关键词】图式 激活 解码 编码  一、图式理论  “图式”概念最早由康德在1781年提出,后来经过巴特勒特的发展,鲁姆尔哈特的逐步完善, 至今已有200 多年的时间。图式理论认为,人们大脑中存储的知识被有机的联系在一起,并且构成了完整的体系,在理解新事物时,大脑会把新事
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烟台海洋管区于1994年5月6~19日对辖区内9个站点的水质现状进行了监视监测,监测海区的环境状况如下: The Yantai Ocean Area monitored and monitored the water quality of