drones 无人机

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  President Barack Obama has confirmed the US is using unmanned aircraft to target suspected militants in tribal areas of Pakistan. He defended the drone attacks, saying they made precision strikes and were kept on a “tight leash1”.
  What are drones used for and how are they controlled?
  To the military, they are UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems). However, they are more commonly known as drones.
  Drones are used in situations where manned flight is considered too risky or difficult. They provide troops with a 24-hour “eye in the sky”, seven days a week. Each aircraft can stay aloft2 for up to 17 hours at a time, loitering3 over an area and sending back real-time imagery of activities on the ground.
  Those used by the United States Air Force and Royal Air Force range from small intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance craft, some light enough to be launched by hand, to medium-sized armed drones and large spy planes.
  [ Key Uses:
  Intelligence, surveillance4, reconnaissance5
  Checking for roadside bombs or devices on landing areas
  Listening to mobile phone conversations
  Helping understand daily routine of locals to see what is normal behavior
  Close Air Support
  Following or attacking suspected insurgents6]
  Although the US does not routinely speak publicly about operations involving drones, President Obama has confirmed that they regularly strike suspected militants in Pakistan’s tribal areas.
  The use of such unmanned aircraft in the area began under President George W. Bush, but their use has more than doubled under the Obama administration.
  Drones are seen by many in the military as delivering precision strikes without the need for more intrusive7 military action. However, they are not without controversy.
  Hundreds of people have been killed by the strikes in Pakistan—civilians as well as militants, causing outrage. One of the deadliest attacks was in March 2011 when 40 were killed, many believed to be civilians at a tribal meeting.
Burger Beard is a pirate who is in search of the final page of a magical book that makes any evil1 plan he writes in it come true, which happens to be the Krabby Patty secret formula2. When his search
编者注:2009年初三四月调考结束了。记者邀请武汉市教科院命题组专家和一线名师对试题进行解读,以方便广大师生准确把脉一个月后的中考。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
摘要:移动自组网是一种没有基础设施的临时性自组织网络,在其应用时路由协议是必须确定的基础性问题。本文研究DSR路由协议在不同无线传播环境下的性能,为确定DSR路由协议在无线传播环境下的适用性提供重要依据。仿真结果表明:对于平均端到端时延和MAC层负荷,two-ray ground reflection环境下性能好,而就报文投递率和路由负荷来说,free space环境下较好,对于在shadowin
许培育·黑皮 编绘 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
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