坚定信念 再创辉煌——市教育党委、市教委机关党员干部认真学习江泽民在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年大会上的讲话

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7月1日上午,上海市教育党委、市教委机关党员干部都认真收看了中共中央在人民大会堂举行的庆祝建党80周年大会,聆听了江总书记所作的重要讲话。会后,市教育党委全体委员,市教委领导班子全体成员立即进行了学习和讨论。在学习的过程中,市府副秘书长、市教育党委书记王荣华同志说,听了江泽民同志的重要讲话,倍受鼓舞,深受教育。讲话气势磅礴,高屋建瓴,科学总结了我们党80年风雨历程的基本经验,精辟回答了人们所关心的重大理论和现实问题,全面阐述了“三个代表”的重要思想,提出了新时期全党工作的目标和任务。讲话是马列主义与中国实际相结合的一个典范,是指导新时期党的建设的又一个马克思主义的纲领性文献。下一阶段,我们是要把学习贯彻江泽民同志的重要讲话作为头等大事,精心组织,切实部署,继续按照“三个代表”的要求,结合上海教育系统的实际,加强、改进党的建设,更加自觉地坚持社会主义办学方向,把正在开展的 On the morning of July 1, party members and cadres from Shanghai Municipal Education Party Committee and Municipal Board of Education carefully watched the 80th anniversary celebration of the founding of the party held by the CPC Central Committee in the Great Hall of the People and listened to the important speech made by General Secretary Jiang. After the meeting, all members of the municipal education party committee and the municipal education commission leadership team immediately conducted study and discussion. During the study process, Comrade Wang Ronghua, deputy secretary general of the municipal government and party secretary of the municipal education department, said that after listening to Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important speech, he was greatly encouraged and deeply educated. The speech was magnificent and high-spirited. By scientifically summing up the basic experience of our party over 80 years of stormy history, it brilliantly answered the major theoretical and practical issues of concern to people, comprehensively expounded the important thinking of the “Three Represents, The goals and tasks of the party work. Speech is an example of the combination of Marxism-Leninism and the reality of China and is yet another Marxist programmatic document that guides the party building in the new period. In the next phase, we should regard studying and implementing Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important speech as a top priority, carefully organize and effectively deploy it, and continue to follow the requirements of the ”three represents" and the actual education system in Shanghai in order to strengthen and improve party building and more Consciously adhere to the socialist direction of running schools, the ongoing
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