
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scarllie
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近年来,省政府内外债资金管理、使用中存在一些问题。主要是到期债务负担沉重、风险意识淡化、项目配套资金落实不到位、项目责任不清。为进一步强化内外债资金的规范管理,提高资金使用效益,省政府办公厅日前发出通知,对内外债资金管理特别是到期归还工作提出如下要求:一、加强领导,落实责任,强化风险意识。各地、各部门要站在讲政治的高度,对借用政 In recent years, there have been some problems in the use and management of funds within and outside the provincial government. Mainly due to the heavy debt burden due to dilute the awareness of risk, the project funds are not fully implemented, the project responsibility is unclear. In order to further standardize the management of internal and external debt funds and improve the efficiency of capital utilization, the provincial government’s general office recently issued a circular calling for the following requirements on the management of internal and external debt funds, especially due due repayments: I. Strengthening leadership, implementing responsibilities and strengthening risk awareness. All localities and departments should stand on the political level and borrow the government
1979年4~5月间,广州地区的尘白灯蛾Spilarctia obliqua Walker幼虫种群中,发生了一种真菌Tarichium sp.感染造成的流行病,次年同期再度发生。患病幼虫死亡前表现狂燥,爬至高
在通常大气压下,日本丽金龟(Popilla japonica Newman)经化学不育剂替派(Tepa)和噻替派(Thiotepa)薰蒸处理后,不论对雄虫或雌虫都产生了绝育效果。其中噻替派更为有效。试验
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落叶松毛虫(Dendrolimus supeiansButler)是落叶松的一大害虫,黑龙江省自50年代以来先后在小兴安岭林区及东、西部相继发生。目前该虫在大部分落叶松人工林内有不同程度的危