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魏明孔认为,中国前近代社会的政府经济职能主要在政府直接经营一定的行业或领域,政府在一定程度上对经济进行宏观调控和政府制定经济政策法规等三个层面。朱荫贵认为,近代中国国家资本企业在中国社会经济结构中占据统治地位的现象是历史发展的必然,对国家资本企业在近代中国社会经济生活中发挥的作用应给予适当地肯定。武力认为,新中国成立之后,由政府来推进工业化,由国营企业贯彻工业化意图,在较短的时间内建立起了独立完整的工业体系,但是也付出了经济运行波动大、结构失衡和资源浪费的严重代价。剧锦文认为,改革开放之后,中国进入向市场经济全面转轨的新时期,国家资本的运行形态日益市场化,国家资本的实现形态更加高级化,国家资本大大提升了控制力;国家资本壮大的同时,国有资产、国家资本正遭遇巨大的流失风险。 Wei Ming-kong believes that the government’s economic functions in China’s pre-modern society are mainly in the direct government operations in certain industries or areas, and the government to some extent, macro-control of the economy and the government to develop economic policies and regulations and other three levels. Zhu Yingui believes that the phenomenon that modern Chinese state-owned capital enterprises dominated China’s social and economic structure is an inevitable historical development and should be appropriately affirmed for the role played by state capital enterprises in the social and economic life of modern China. The armed forces believe that after the founding of new China, the government should promote industrialization, implement the industrialization intention by state-owned enterprises and establish an independent and complete industrial system within a relatively short period of time. However, it has also paid great attention to economic fluctuations, structural imbalances and waste of resources Serious price. The drama Jin Wen believes that after the reform and opening up, China entered a new period of full transition to a market economy. The operation of state capital was increasingly marketized, the state capital was more advanced, and state capital greatly enhanced its control. At the same time, state-owned assets and state capital are experiencing enormous risk of loss.
报上有文将“寥寥无几”写成“了了无几”。似乎“了了”与“寥寥”可以通用,其实不然。 查《现代汉语词典》可知:“了了”,读liǎo liǎo,其意一为明白、懂得,如“心中了了
本文以公平和效率理论探究我国收入分配现状及调节途径,提出了一些看法。 This paper explores the current situation of income distribution in our country based on th