开展科技兴厂 促进生产发展

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邓小平同志指出:科学技术是式生产力,而且是第一生产力.在社会主义市场经济条件下,企业的竞争和发展必须依靠科学技术力量的支持.作为现代电力工业主体的发供电企业,是技术高度密集的企业,要保证其安全稳定运行,低耗高效生产,不断提高经济效益,更是需要发挥科学技术的作用.对此,包头第一热电厂的领导有充分认识,他们在全区电业系统率先提出“科技兴厂”的奋斗目标,组织全厂职工开展科技攻关活动,经过三年扎扎实实的工作,已经取得实效,极大的促进了生产发展.为了报导包一电厂的经验,本刊这期特辟专栏,选登了几篇介绍该厂科技兴厂情况和技术改进成果的文章,连同封页的一组照片(以及近年在本刊已发表的有关该厂的技术论文),推荐给读者参阅,对大家可能有所教益. Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: Science and technology are productive forces, and it is the primary productive force. Under the conditions of the socialist market economy, the competition and development of enterprises must rely on the support of scientific and technological forces. As the power generation and power supply enterprise of the modern power industry, it is a technical height. Intensive enterprises must ensure their safe and stable operation, low-cost and high-efficiency production, and continuously improve economic efficiency. They also need to play a role in science and technology. In this regard, the leaders of Baotou No. 1 Thermal Power Plant are fully aware that they are in the district’s electrical industry system. It took the lead in proposing the goal of “science and technology to build a factory” and organized all employees to carry out scientific and technological research activities. After three years of solid work, it has achieved practical results and greatly promoted the development of production. To report on the experience of Baotou Power Plant, the In this special column, we selected several articles introducing the situation of the plant and the technological improvement of the plant, together with a set of photographs of the cover page (and the technical papers published in this issue in recent years about the plant), Recommended for readers, may be helpful to everyone.
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