Robust Synchronization in an E/I Network with Medium Synaptic Delay and High Level of Heterogeneity

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yourice
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It is known that both excitatory and inhibitory neuronal networks can achieve robust synchronization only under certain conditions,such as long synaptic delay or low level of heterogeneity.In this work,robust synchronization can be found in an excitatory/inhibitory(E/I) neuronal network with medium synaptic delay and high level of heterogeneity,which often occurs in real neuronal networks.Two effects of post-synaptic potentials(PSP)to network synchronization are presented,and the synaptic contribution of excitatory and inhibitory neurons to robust synchronization in this E/I network is investigated.It is found that both excitatory and inhibitory neurons may contribute to robust synchronization in E/I networks,especially the excitatory PSP has a more positive effect on synchronization in E/I networks than that in excitatory networks.This may explain the strong robustness of synchronization in E/I neuronal networks. It is known that both excitatory and inhibitory neuronal networks can achieve robust synchronization only under certain conditions, such as long synaptic delay or low level of heterogeneity. In this work, robust synchronization can be found in an excitatory / inhibitory (E / I) neuronal network with medium synaptic delay and high level of heterogeneity, which often occurs in real neuronal networks. Two effects of post-synaptic potentials (PSP) to network synchronization are presented, and the synaptic contribution of excitatory and inhibitory neurons to robust synchronization in this E / I network is investigated. It is found that both excitatory and inhibitory neurons may contribute to robust synchronization in E / I networks, especially the excitatory PSP has a more positive effect on synchronization in E / I networks than that in excitatory networks. This may explain the strong robustness of synchronization in E / I neuronal networks.
摘 要 在歌唱艺术之中,呼吸作为其基础而存在,并且也作为其原动力,因此可以显示出,在唱歌之中呼吸占有着重要的地位,在唱歌之中,呼吸给吐字、共鸣以及发声提供能量。本文针对歌唱之中呼吸的艺术作用进行探讨。  【关键词】唱歌;呼吸;艺术  在声乐的教学以及学习之中,其歌唱的基础就是呼吸,并且唱歌发声都将呼吸作为其动力,为了将悦耳的歌唱传递给听众,以及愉悦歌者和听众的内心,就需要通过良好的运用以及控制呼吸
每逢新学期,布置环境就成了教师工作中的一大重点。很多教师在进行环境创设时往往只重视装饰作用,却忽略了环境与主题活动互动的需要。精美的作品无法跟上主题活动变化的步伐,造成资源的浪费。怎样才能既美观实用又节约资源呢?     案例一    学期初,我们利用彩色包装带做成帘子,悬挂在“娃娃家”,使“娃娃家”有了一个相对独立的空间,且兼具美感、动感。根据主题活动“亲亲一家人”的需要,我们在帘子下端挂上幼儿
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