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先生退休后,爱上了收藏瓷器。由于退休后收入低,他是看得多买得少。小城里只有些卖古董的地摊,他成天耗在那些摊前,跟老板套近乎聊天,道听途说,也淘得不少知识。古董摊的东西很杂,有线装书这类古籍,有金银首饰这类生活用品,也有各类瓷器,看得人眼花缭乱。小城人都知道,古董贩子的东西真的少假的多,但不断有在摊上淘 After retirement, Mr. fell in love with the collection of porcelain. Because of his low income after retirement, he can see more and buy less. Only a small town to sell antiques stalls, he spent all day in those stalls, with the boss set almost chatting, hearsay, but also learned a lot of knowledge. Antique stalls are very complicated things, such as wire-bound books such ancient books, gold and silver jewelry, such as daily necessities, there are all kinds of porcelain, see people dazzling. Small town people know that antiques traffickers really less false things, but there are constantly stall Amoy