核酸的利用(二) N~6-(3-甲基-2-丁烯基)腺苷的合成

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近些年来,随着核酸化学的发展,已经设计并合成了一系列对恶性肿瘤、病毒以及心血管疾病有较好疗效的核酸类药物。已有报告 N~6-(3-甲基-2-丁烯基)腺苷能抑制艾氏腹水癌和淋巴白血病 L1210的生长。初步临床试验证明,它对患急性骨髓性白血病的儿童产生血象的和临床的缓解作用,而其对肝脏的损害是可逆性的。无产阶级文化大革命以来,工业战线广大职工遵照毛主席关于开展综合利用的指示,广泛地开展了对发酵工业副产物核糖核酸的综合利用的研究工作。在这些工作的推动下,我们也开始把抗肿瘤药物的研究与核酸的综合利用结合起来,把寻找新药的研究和试制已知药物结合起来。我们七四届工农兵学员在毕业 In recent years, with the development of nucleic acid chemistry, a series of nucleic acid drugs have been designed and synthesized which have good curative effect on malignant tumors, viruses and cardiovascular diseases. N ~ 6- (3-methyl-2-butenyl) adenosine has been reported to inhibit the growth of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma and lymphatic leukemia L1210. Preliminary clinical trials have shown that it produces blood and clinical remissions in children with acute myeloid leukemia and that its damage to the liver is reversible. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the broad ranks of workers and staff of the industrial front have carried out extensive research on the comprehensive utilization of ribonucleic acid, a by-product of the fermentation industry, in compliance with Chairman Mao’s instructions on carrying out comprehensive utilization. As a result of these efforts, we have also begun to combine research on antitumor drugs with the comprehensive utilization of nucleic acids, combining research into finding new drugs and trial-manufacturing of known drugs. We graduated from the Workers ’and Peasants’ Seventies
各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 为贯彻落实国务院《质量振兴纲要》,提高我省质量工作总体水平,促进经济持续、健康发展,结合我省实际,对进一
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