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社会主义社会的基本矛盾是生产方式的两个方面——生产力和生产关系之间的矛盾。人们在生产资料方面的平等关系与分配领域和财产状况上的不平等之间的矛盾,只是生产方式的一个方面——生产关系内部的矛盾。生产和需求(消费)之间的矛盾也不是主要矛盾,它从属于生产力与生产关系这对基本矛盾,只有基本矛盾解决了,在进步生产关系的基础土极大地提高了生产力,才能解决这个矛盾。社会主义条件下矛盾的发展一般分为三个阶段:1、矛盾双方统一、协调的阶段;2、统一破裂、矛盾双方不协调的阶段;3、解决、克服矛盾的阶段。如果在第三阶段矛盾还得不到解决,则可能发展为危机和冲突,非对抗性矛盾转化为对抗性矛盾。在社会主义条件下,非对抗性矛盾转化为对抗性矛盾,是特殊,而非一般,促使其转化有种种因素,其中内因(组织、管理上的失误,党内生活准则和民主被破坏,背离社会主义道德原则等等)是主要的。 The basic contradiction in socialist society is the two aspects of the mode of production - the contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production. The contradiction between the equal relations of man in the means of production and the fields of distribu- tion and inequality of property is but one aspect of the mode of production-the contradictions within the relations of production. The contradiction between production and demand (consumption) is not the main contradiction. It is subordinated to the basic contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production. Only the basic contradictions can be solved and the contradictions can be solved only if the productive forces are greatly increased on the basis of improving the relations of production. . The development of contradictions under the conditions of socialism is generally divided into three stages: 1. The stage of unification and coordination between two contradictions; 2. The stage of unification and rupture; The two sides are uncoordinated; 3. The stage of resolving and overcoming the contradictions. If the contradictions still can not be solved in the third stage, they may develop into crises and conflicts, and the non-confrontational contradictions turn into antagonistic contradictions. Under the conditions of socialism, the transformation of non-confrontational contradictions into confrontational contradictions is a special rather than a general one. Various factors have contributed to its transformation. Internal causes (organizational and managerial mistakes, intra-party life standards and democracy are destroyed and departures Socialist moral principles, etc.) are the main ones.
据美国The Internet  CommerceBriefing最近发表的调查报告称,美国10个网友中只有3个真正试过网上购物.其余占6成多的网友只是利用网站提供的产品资料和价格,作为参考而已。据调查,网友网上购物有4大心理障碍:①
单位:亿立方米出口国出口量出口国出口量进口国(地区)进口量进口国(地区)进口量美国17.2卡塔尔28.6美国22.5土耳其30阿尔及利亚251澳大利亚97.7比利时45韩国巧7 .1利比亚ll文