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1.依法查处规避招标和在招投标活动中弄虚作假的问题。2.依法严厉打击勘察、设计、施工单位转包、违法分包和监理单位违法转让监理业务 ,以及无证、越级承接工程业务包括挂靠、卖图签等问题。3.依法查处违反法定建设程序的问题。4.依法查处不执行工程建设强制性标准、? 1. Investigate and deal with evasion of bidding and fraud in the bidding and bidding activities. 2. Strict crack down according to law investigation, design, construction unit subcontracting, illegal subcontracting and supervision unit illegal transfer of supervision business, and unlicensed, leapfrogging undertaking engineering business, including anchoring, selling drawings and other issues. 3. Investigate and deal with violations of statutory construction procedures in accordance with the law. 4. Investigate and punish the compulsory standards for the construction of the project according to law?
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