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伯父死的时候,日本人已走了三十年了,但伯父是日本人害死的。我小时候问我爹,伯父怎么没有左耳?我爹哄着我说,伯父与人赌酒,输了!被人割下做了下酒菜。我想,割下耳朵会流血,会很痛。人耳下酒比木耳、银耳、猪耳之类令人恶心。人吃人是个比喻,真要吃人,谁吃得下?有一次,我在我爹妈的床脚下捉迷藏,拖出一根粗重的铁链来玩耍,我爹看见了,即刻粗声说,放回原处 When the uncle died, the Japanese had gone for thirty years, but the uncle was Japanese killed. When I was a kid, I asked my father how my uncle did not have a left ear. My father coaxed me to say that my uncle was gambling with alcohol and lost! I think it will hurt if we cut off our ears and bleed. Human ear wine than fungus, white fungus, pig ear and the like disgusting. People eat people is a metaphor, really want to eat, who eat? Once, I hide and seek at the foot of my father and mother, pulled out a heavy chain to play, my father saw, and immediately rushed to say, Put back in place
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1 设计思想现代教育提倡学生“学会学习” ,把这一思想作为学校教学所追求的最高境界 .国内教育也将“学会学习”作为素质教育中教学部分的重要内容 .但在传统的课堂教学中