全面部署今年防汛抗旱工作任务 全国防办主任会议在福州召开

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国家防汛抗旱总指挥部1月11日至13日在福州召开全国防办主任会议,全面部署今年防汛抗旱工作任务。国务院副总理、国家防汛抗旱总指挥部总指挥温家宝致信会议,对会议的召开作出重要指示。国家防汛抗旱总指挥部副总指挥、水利部部长汪恕诚致电会议,要求各级防办全力以赴搞好防汛抗旱工作。国家防汛抗旱总指挥部秘书长、水利部副部长周文智在会上作重要讲话。 The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters convened the National Defense Office Director Meeting in Fuzhou from January 11 to January 13 to fully deploy the task of flood control and drought relief this year. Wen Jiabao, vice premier of the State Council and director of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, sent a letter to the meeting and made important instructions on the convening of the meeting. Wang Shucheng, deputy director of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters and minister of the Ministry of Water Conservancy, called the meeting and urged the defensive offices at all levels to make every effort to improve flood control and drought relief work. Zhou Wenzhi, secretary general of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters and vice minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, made an important speech at the meeting.
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