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南京市长江路小学附属幼儿园正在开展“娃娃情趣日记”实验探索活动。该活动的目的在于为幼儿提供一个生动有趣的表现能力的机会。通过老师或家长的指导,幼儿把生活中感受比较深的事物,采用他们力所能及的形式,比如选用画面剪贴、画画、口述等方法记录下来,从而养成从小学习观察生活的习惯,巩固新学得的知识、本领、强化良好的习惯,体验成功的喜悦,正视不愉快的事情,提高自我意识和动手动脑的能力,为今后记日记打下一定的基础。 他们所用的“娃娃情趣日记”本每页均有三个方面的内容: 一是记日期和天气。日期小班由家长代写,中、大班指导孩子自己学习写。天气让孩子根据当天天气情况在气象标记上打“√”。 二是设计编绘了富有儿童情趣的“看一看”、“说一说”、“想一想”、“数一数”、“画一画”、“学一学”等一系列栏目,每天出现其中之一,目的是对幼儿进行多方面的智能训练以及品德教育。 三是日记的主体。小班以剪贴添画和口述为主,大班以独立作画为主,中班则介于两者之间。表达方式以幼儿各自意愿和能力自定。 该活动每天在家中进行,孩子记完日记进行口述,家长则用文字把孩子的原话表达出来。幼儿园定期进行集体指导、讲评。 我们编发这一系列活动,旨在给读者以启发,有兴趣的读者不妨一试。正如 Nanjing Changjiang Road Primary School affiliated kindergarten is carrying out the “doll sentiment diary” experiment to explore activities. The purpose of this activity is to give young children a chance to have a lively and interesting performance. Through the guidance of teachers or parents, young children feel more deeply in their daily life and use whatever they can within their means, such as selecting pictures, cutting pictures, painting and dictating, so as to cultivate the habit of observing life and consolidating new learning Gaining knowledge and skills, strengthening good habits, experiencing the joy of success, confronting unpleasant things, improving self-awareness and brainpower, laying a solid foundation for future diary. The “doll’s erotic diary” they use has three aspects on each page: First, remember the date and weather. Dates by the parents on behalf of small, medium and large classes to guide the children to learn to write their own. The weather for children according to the weather conditions in the meteorological mark “√”. Second, we designed and compiled a series of sections such as “Look at,” “Think,” “Count,” “Draw a Picture,” “Learn to Study,” and so on, One of these appears daily, with the purpose of conducting various aspects of intelligent training and moral education for young children. Third, the main diary. Small classes to cut and paste paintings and oral based, large-scale independent painting, the middle class is in between the two. Ways to express their wishes and ability to customize. The activity takes place daily at home, when children complete diaries and dictates that the parents express themselves in words. Kindergartens regularly conduct collective guidance and comment. We compiled this series of activities designed to inspire readers, interested readers may wish to give it a try. Just as
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