历史的责任 社会的重托

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绝大多数人大概都不会怀疑以下的事实和伦理:一个流氓决不愿意让他的孩子继续当流氓;一个小偷也不会让他的孩子还成为小偷;一个大牢内的囚犯,一般情况下,会对他的孩子说,你今后千万不要学你的爸爸;同理,一个普通的编辑,肯定不会把他编辑的低俗或者黄色出版物拿给自己的孩子阅读。这叫什么?这就叫思想情感和道德伦理的最底线。一般情况下,绝大多数的人都不愿意越过这个底线。可是,为什么现在有的面向小读者的读物却大大超越这个底线呢?众所周知,这绝不是小读者们的需求,这种所谓的孩子们的“需求”完全是有人由于财迷心窍,肆意歪曲炮制出来的。一位德高望重的老文学工作者曾经说过,孩子是我们祖国的未来,我们的读物现在给予他们什么,他们将来就会给予我们的社会什么。换句话说,我们想将来让他们成为祖国的栋梁,现在就应该给予他们相应的教育。这些话的确发人深省。一个刊物,一本书,一个节目,一部作品,都应该站在时代的高度,担负起历史的责任,为我们的孩子们,为我们祖国的现在,更为了祖国的未来,做好我们应该做的工作。现在,许多新闻出版工作者都在为此不懈地努力。《小读者》的采编人员就是他们这个群体的代表之一。要把刊物办得特干净、特出色,打理好孩子们成长的基座,是《小读者》的办刊指导思想,也是他们的行动指针。正是有了这个思想基础和统一的意志,才使得这个刊物蒸蒸日上,创造出如此喜人的业绩。我们宣传《小读者》的真正目的,就是要倡导我们面向孩子们的出版物的采编人员都要牢固树立起这种历史责任感和社会责任感。无论是办报纸,还是办刊物,无论是制作节目,还是打造其他文化产品,都要有一个“魂”,没有“魂”,就必然迷失方向,或者失之平淡,这个“魂”就是其品位、层次和思想体系,就是历史责任感和社会责任感的具体体现。所谓社会责任感,就是要对社会、对你所面对的读物切实负起责任,不能愧对社会和受众的信赖;所谓历史责任感,就是回首往事的时候,不但没有愧对历史的重托,还对历史的发展做出了自己应有的贡献,并在推动历史发展的进程中,留下了 Most people probably will not doubt the fact and ethics that a rogue is by no means willing to let his child continue to be a rogue, that a thief does not allow his child to become a thief, that a prisoner in a jail cell, under normal circumstances, , Will say to his children that you should never learn your dad in the future; similarly, an ordinary editor will certainly not show his editor of vulgar or yellow publications to his own children. What is this? This is called the bottom line of thoughts and feelings and ethics. Under normal circumstances, the vast majority of people are reluctant to cross this bottom line. However, why do some books for young readers now far exceed this bottom line? As we all know, this is by no means a demand of the young readers. The so-called “needs” of the so-called children are entirely due to financial distractions and wanton distortion of. A respected old literary worker once said that children are the future of our motherland, what our books now give them and what they will give to our society in the future. In other words, if we want to make them the pillars of our motherland in the future, we should give them appropriate education now. These words really thought-provoking. A publication, a book, a program, and a work should all stand on the heights of the times, shoulder the responsibility of history, do our good for our children, for the present of our motherland, and for the future of our motherland The work done by the. Now, many press and publication workers are working tirelessly to this end. The editors of “Little Reader” are one of their representatives. It is the guideline for the operation of “small readership” and the guideline for their action if we want to make the publication extremely clean and excellent, and take good care of the children’s growth. It is with this ideological foundation and the will to unify that this publication will flourish and create such a gratifying achievement. The real purpose of our promotion of “Little Reader” is to promote the historical responsibility and social responsibility of our editorial staff who address our children’s publications. Whether it is to run newspapers or publications, whether it is making programs or building other cultural products, there must be a “soul,” and if there is no “soul,” it will inevitably lose its direction or be dull. This “soul” is its taste , Hierarchy and ideological system, is a concrete manifestation of the sense of historical responsibility and social responsibility. The so-called sense of social responsibility is to really take responsibility for the society and for the readings you face. We can not deny the trust in society and the audience. The so-called sense of historical responsibility is not only a reflection of history but also a dedication to history. Historical development has made its due contribution, and in promoting the process of historical development, has left
暑假期间,我随外婆去长白山旅游。长白山不愧为驰名中外的旅游胜地,自然风光秀丽,骄美中蕴藏着一种粗犷的气息,酷似北方人的性格,让人流连忘返。 During summer vacation, I
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7.96,“身兼大小事务,心力交瘁”! 7.88,“长期没时间休假,陪伴家人或参加休闲活动”! 7.81,“身体健康遭受威胁”! 52.3%,“感到工作超负荷”! 74%,“备受痛苦煎熬,但不能对人说