楔子时代强音的合弦 1992年10月12日中午。袅袅秋风刚刚拂去了溽暑,长天白云下的衡水市区,骤然间又腾起了一派冲天的热烈。嘣!啪儿——第一声爆竹的号令鸣空脆响,锣鼓与鞭炮的旋风便呼肃开来。紧接着,50多辆色彩斑斓,形貌古怪的大型吊车、罐车、卡车同时启动,一路高歌向着城西驶去。彩旗招展,人如潮涌,警车开路。衡水人民像当年支前那样欢关着这支队伍。车队如龙,迤逦十里,如同金戈铁马的赴敌之师,沿着衡保公路挺进,在距衡水市16华里处忽然掉头北向,集结于一公里开外的茫茫荒野之中。这里是衡水西郊孙洼乡与北召乡的结合部。
The chords of the wedge age strong sound, October 12, 1992 at noon. The autumn wind just blew away the hot summer, and the Hengshui urban area under the white clouds of the long sky suddenly jumped up with a wave of enthusiasm.嘣 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪 啪Immediately afterwards, more than 50 colorful, grotesque large cranes, tankers, and trucks were launched at the same time, and all the way to the west of the city. Flags are beckoning, people are surging, police cars are open. The Hengshui people liked this team as much as they did before. The team is like a dragon, squatting ten miles, like the Jin Ge Iron Horse’s division of the enemy, advancing along Hengbao Highway, suddenly turning north at 16 Huali from Hengshui City, and settling in the wilderness one kilometer away. Here is the junction between Sunsong Township and Beizhao Township on the western outskirts of Hengshui.