
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cairinga
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目的:通过对2003~2005年山西省6个地区孕产妇死亡情况的调查分析,总结孕产妇死亡的基本特点及孕产期保健和产科处理中存在的主要问题,提出改进措施。方法:采用回顾性分析与分层抽样调查的方法,对2003~2005年山西省内6个地区死亡的46例孕产妇病例进行统计分析。结果:调查发现占死因前3位的依次为产科出血、羊水栓塞、妊高症,孕产妇死亡仍以直接产科原因为主,农村低收入、计划外妊娠孕产妇死亡率较高。结论:需针对原因进一步加强对孕产妇的系统管理,加强孕产期保健,提高住院分娩率,提高基层医务人员的技术水平,降低孕产妇的死亡率。 OBJECTIVE: To summarize the basic characteristics of maternal mortality and the main problems in maternal health care and obstetric treatment through investigation and analysis of the maternal deaths in 6 districts of Shanxi Province from 2003 to 2005, and to propose the improvement measures. Methods: By means of retrospective analysis and stratified sampling, 46 cases of maternal deaths in 6 districts of Shanxi Province from 2003 to 2005 were analyzed statistically. Results: The survey found that among the top three causes of death, obstetric bleeding, amniotic fluid embolism, pregnancy-induced hypertension and maternal death were still mainly direct obstetric reasons. The incidence of maternal mortality in rural low-income and unplanned pregnancies was high. Conclusion: Systemic management of pregnant women and mothers should be further strengthened for the reasons, health care during pregnancy and childbirth should be strengthened, hospital delivery rate should be increased, technical skills of grassroots medical workers should be improved, and maternal mortality should be reduced.
2009年11月30日,世界卫生组织在日内瓦发布了针对艾滋病病毒治疗与预防和在感染艾滋病病毒情况下的婴儿喂养的最 On November 30, 2009, WHO released in Geneva the most e
今年7月1日,国家安全生产监督管理总局(以下简称安全监管总局)发布了《作业场所职业健康监督管理暂行规定》(国家安全生产监督管理总局令第23号,以 July 1 this year, the S
刘胡兰(1932—1947),女,汉族,山西省文水县人,中共党员。  全面抗战爆发后,刘胡兰积极参加抗日儿童团,为八路军站岗、放哨、送情报。1945年11月,刘胡兰参加了文水县党组织举办的妇女训练班。40多天的学习,使她懂得了许多革命道理。回村后,她担任云周西村妇救会秘书,与党员一起,发动群众斗地主、送公粮、做军鞋,动员青年报名参军。1946年6月,刘胡兰被批准为中共候补党员。  1946年10月