
来源 :财会月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dandanCracker
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空虚即无实在内容、不充实的意思。精神空虚是一种社会普遍的心理现象,当社会失去精神支柱或社会价值多元化导致人们无所适从时,就容易产生这种空虚的心态。空虚心态,往往是在两种情况下出现的:一是胸无大志;二是目标不切实际,使自己难以实现目标而失去动力。因此,摆脱空虚必须根据自己的实际情况采取相应措施。及时调整生活目标:选择你需要一段时间连续专心致志去做的事,从 Empty that is not real content, not full of meaning. The spiritual emptiness is a common psychological phenomenon in society. When the society loses spiritual support or the diversification of social values ​​leads to confusion, it is easy to have such an empty mindset. The mentality of emptiness is often found in two situations: one is ambiguous; the other is the unrealistic goal that makes it difficult for oneself to achieve its goal and loses its motivation. Therefore, to get rid of emptiness must take corresponding measures according to its own actual conditions. Timely adjust the life goals: Choose what you need for a period of time to concentrate on doing, from
The Canadian people are called Canadians.Most of the Canadi-an families have roots in England and France,as French and Britishonce colonized the country and thu
故障现象一 :DatascopeACCUSATT血氧饱合度监护仪 ,使用中发现机内冒烟。分析与检修 :从冒烟这个现象看 ,肯定是机内某些元件烧毁。此机有开机自检功能 ,在确认电源的输入端无短路的情况下 ,加
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贵阳医学院附属医院门诊大楼投资 30 0 0余万元 ,建筑面积 1. 4万平方米。 1996年底破土动工 ,1999年落成并投入使用。该工程是当年省委、省政府所办的十件实事之一。为改善
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
百特 1550型人工肾机 ,当母板、PC17板 ,PC18板 ,PC19板或IB2 1板上的EEPROM或E PROM上存储的软件版本错误 ,或者更换PC电路板或母板时 ,机器侧面板上会显示错误代码F186。说明电路板上的EEPROM或EPROM上可能存