森草净是西安近代化学研究所,参照国外最新配方研制而成的一种新型除草剂,主要用于林地和非耕地除草。经对该药按不同剂量两年试验结果表明,以375~450g/ha的剂量施药,可做到当年内无杂草丛生;以750g/ha 剂量施药,基本上可做到当年内寸草不生,若第二年再补喷少量药剂,即可保持寸草不生。试验观察又表明,该药剂除对耙地草(当地名)防效较差外,其余23种杂草和灌木,如葎草、爬地草,稗草,狼尾
Sencaojing is a new herbicide developed by Xi’an Institute of Modern Chemistry with reference to the latest recipes from abroad. It is mainly used for weeding in woodland and non-cultivated land. After two years of testing the drug at different doses, the results showed that the application of 375-550g / ha could make the year no overgrowth. Applying 750g / ha dose could basically do the same for the year If the second year, then add a small amount of spray medicine, you can keep the grass is not born. Experimental observations have shown that, in addition to the pesticide on rake grass (local name) control effect is poor, the other 23 kinds of weeds and shrubs, such as razorgrass, climbing grass, barnyardgrass, wolf tail