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肺癌骨转移绝大多数为溶骨型或混合型 ,成骨型改变甚少 ,现遇到 1例 ,报告如下。1 病例报告患者 女 ,73岁。 6个月前因反复咳嗽、咳痰未愈来院诊治。X线检查 :右肺门增大 ,右侧少量胸腔积液。CT检查 :右肺门区肿块 ,纵隔淋巴结肿大。当时X线、CT均未见肋骨骨质有明确的 The majority of bone metastases of lung cancer are osteolytic or mixed type, with little change in osteoblastic type, and one case is now encountered. The report is as follows. 1 case report patient Female, 73 years old. 6 months ago because of repeated coughing, coughing healed to hospital for treatment. X-ray examination: The right hilum was enlarged and there was a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side. CT examination: mass in right hilum area, mediastinal lymph nodes. At the time, X-ray and CT had no clear rib bone
With the popularity of uncertain data, queries over uncertain graphs have become a hot topic in the database community. As one of the important queries, the sho
An aggregate nearest neighbor (ANN) query rets a point of interest (POI) that minimizes an aggregate function for multiple query points. In this paper, we propo
患者 男 ,43岁 ,右肘关节疼痛 4年余 ,右关节增粗 1年。1970年打篮球右肘摔伤 ,经治疗后痊愈。 1993年右肘关节疼痛不能伸直 ,活动受限 ,在某医院摄片诊断右肘关节骨质增生
我院近诊治并经手术病理证实 1例“耳后肌上皮瘤”病例 ,现报道如下。女 ,3 3岁 ,右耳后包块 1年 ,并逐渐长大 ,无红、肿、热、痛 ,触之有边界 ,质较硬。入院常规辅检无异常
The problem of k-hop reachability between two vertices in a graph has received considerable attention in recent years. A substantial number of algorithms have b
患者 女 ,64岁。主诉无明显诱因出现下腹部疼痛、触及包块而入院。妇科检查 :外阴未产式、萎缩 ,宫颈光滑 ,宫体及附件摸不清 ,下腹部可扪及一约 5个月小儿头大肿块 ,质地中