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运用国民经济投入产出的价格影响模型,以北京市为例,分析水价单独变化与联动变化对其它经济部门产品或服务价格和水费率的影响,为制定有效缓解水资源供求矛盾的水价政策提供定量分析依据.计算结果显示:假设各类供水部门价格相互独立、不受其它部门价格的影响,各类水价提高对非供水部门的影响较弱,主要对居民、行政事业及部分高用水服务业的价格影响相对较大,影响最大的是教育事业.在独立供水部门水价变动的影响中,工商业水价变动对各部门水费影响最大;污水处理业价格上涨对使用再生水行业水费率影响相对明显.各类水价同时提高一倍,除居民水费占消费总支出的比例略高于1%外,非供水部门的水费率仍低于0.5%.以居民承受能力最低限水费率2%为目标,若各部门用水总量保持不变,水价至少还应有3倍以上的上涨空间,水价提升不会对经济社会产生大的波动.大力进行水价改革,是节约用水的必要和迫切的手段. Using the price impact model of the input-output of the national economy, taking Beijing as an example, this paper analyzes the impact of the change of the water price alone and the linkage changes on the prices of goods and services and water tariffs in other economic sectors. In order to formulate a water price policy that effectively alleviates the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources The results of the calculation show that: assuming that the prices of various water supply departments are independent of each other and not affected by the prices of other departments, the impact of the increase of various types of water prices on the non-water supply sectors is weaker, mainly for residents, administrative services and some high water use services The impact of industry price is relatively large, the most influential is education.In the independent water supply sector, the impact of changes in water prices, changes in business water prices on the most affected the water costs of various departments; sewage treatment industry prices on the use of recycled water industry, the relative impact of water rates Obviously, all kinds of water prices doubled at the same time, with the exception of residents’ water accounts for a little over 1% of the total expenditure on consumption, while the non-water sector’s water rate is still below 0.5% % As the goal, if the total amount of water remained unchanged, the water price should be at least 3 times more room for growth, water prices will not increase economic and social production Large fluctuations vigorously carry out reform of water prices, water conservation is necessary and urgent means.
【正】 1975年以来,会理县黎溪区相继发现了瓦石田土坑墓群、粪鸡湾土坑墓群。墓群地处山坡地,一般坡度20度、海拔1700米左右,当地土质为酸性红壤,因长年水土流失,多数墓葬已