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1999年,是真正意义上的“电子商务年”,在北京上半年就有十几家网站开通了网上拍卖的业务,网上拍卖一时间成为社会上最流行的一种竞买方式。人们在享受网上拍卖的实惠和便捷的同时,又为种种不便而困扰。与传统拍卖业相结合传统的拍卖有很浓的文化和心理因素蕴涵其中,受到地域和文化的限制,法律对拍卖业的规范也相当严格。但是,网络公司对传统拍卖业的介入,揭开了拍卖业的神秘面纱,大胆尝试将拍卖的竞价机制引进网络的电子商务交易之中,让更多的普通百姓品尝到了拍卖的乐趣和实惠。但拍卖网站不可能在短期取代传统拍卖业的地位。市场定位与服务网上拍卖是一个潜力巨大的全新市场,市场定位、加强服务才是拍卖网站发展中生死攸关的大事。所谓市场定位也就是在特定的圈子里划出各自的地盘来,而目前正是拍卖网站圈地的时代。雅宝定位为“以个体消费者为核心的电子商务平 In 1999, it was the “Year of E-Commerce” in the real sense. In Beijing, more than a dozen websites opened the online auction business in the first half of the year. Online auction became the most popular bidding method in the society for a time. While enjoying the benefits and convenience of online auctions, people are bothered by inconveniences. The combination of traditional auction and traditional auction has a lot of cultural and psychological factors contained therein, subject to regional and cultural restrictions, the law of the auction industry norms are quite strict. However, the involvement of Internet companies in the traditional auction industry has opened the mystery of the auction industry and boldly tried to introduce the auction auction mechanism into the network of e-commerce transactions so as to let more ordinary people taste the fun and benefits of the auction. However, it is impossible for auction sites to replace the traditional auction industry in the short term. Market Positioning and Services Online auction is a new market with great potential. Market positioning and service enhancement are important issues in the development of auction websites. The so-called market positioning is in a specific circle to draw their own site to come, and now is the era of auction site rode. Albemarle positioning as "individual consumers as the core e-commerce level
患者男,45岁,因上腹部疼痛2个月余、黑便2 d、晕厥2次入院.患者于2月前开始出现上腹部隐痛不适,疼痛呈持续性,与进食无关,自服胃药能缓解.2 d前出现黑便,呈柏油状,量多.体检:神清,贫血貌,发育正常,全身浅表淋巴结未扪及肿大,心肺(-),腹平软,肝脾肋下未及,剑突下轻压痛.实验室检查:大便隐血(+++),血红蛋白73 g/L;小便常规、肝肾功能、血电解质均正常.胃镜检查:胃窦前壁近大弯见一半
Pulsed collimated blue light at 420.3 nm is generated in hot Rb vapor by upconverting the 778.10 nm pumping beam through four wave mixing process. The energy co
本文分析了淮北砂姜黑土的“四水”特点及不同目的要求的地下水埋深。经过试验及调查分析,探讨了适宜本区特点的地下水调控措施 This paper analyzes the “four water” cha
早些年,影片《宋氏三姐妹》热映期间,有一句流行语——“大姐爱钱,二姐爱国,小妹爱权”——高度概括了宋蔼龄、宋庆龄、宋美龄的一生行状,这十二字的人物评价容或有偏颇的地方,却无疑抓住了核心要点。  其实,大姐宋蔼龄除了爱钱,权力欲望并不亚于小妹,只不过由于诸多原因,她没有走到大舞台前的聚光灯下。她是幕后操纵者,手中牵牢了不少傀儡的线头,运筹帷幄,也很有快感和成就感。当年她出任过孙中山先生的英文秘书,接